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Top Voting Power List

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Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-27 23:21:39

At 11/27/04 08:05 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 11/27/04 07:51 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: Hehe, ignore Bonus, he's still mad about what I did to him last night. *Dangles aim convo over Bonus' head and laughs.* >=D
I make typo often :_<

This AIM convo consisted of many typos made by you? I don't get it. ONE OF YOU TWO CLUE ME IN, DAMNIT! #;-}>

At 11/27/04 07:44 PM, gfoxcook wrote: WHAT WERE THE CHANCES!?!?!? COULD THEY BE..... 33.33333333333333333333333%?!?!?!? WOWWWWWWW MORE 3'S!!!! #;-}>

Well, that was the chances of it happening EACH time. The chances of you having a divisible-by-3 amount 3 weeks in a row... are more like 1 in 9, I suppose.

So cruuuuuel! ;_;
That's for sure :D


Pfft. Way to reply to my post 6.5 days late, man. WAY TO GO! #;-}>
SHUDDUP J()() ):<

Worse than me, man! Worse than me. Tsk tsk.

.... Clickboxin?
Either Kickboxing OR we click the mouse at each other :o

I see... I say we kick our mice. Kinda an average of the two.

You couldn't even get past the first three letters of my sentence? Impressive!
As if it isn't hard <3

O_O I'm gonna refuse to sexually misinterpret that.

Hahahahaha. Priceless.
That'll be $5 ):<


Sometimes. You've got teh multiple personality disorderness, remember?

Quiet you ):<

What's with all this lame "joo" alternate spelling crap?

At least ONE of those peoples has to be sane. THEY HAVE TO BE.

I... see.

Tanks bébé ;D


At 11/27/04 07:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Nifty! Sounds like something Bonus would say, though. O_o
Yeah he's basically a Tiny new bonus stage ^.^

Hooray! My own Bonus Stage model to call my own! OWNAGE!

7321 = done for the night. Catching up on topics besides my two listtopics is going to have to wait for Sunday or Monday or Tuesday or whenever I get to it. See everyone later in the week, enjoy both my lists and the rest of your weekend as well! GOODNIGHT!

:::goes back to nonstop new-U2-album listening:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-27 23:40:03

At 11/27/04 05:41 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 368.) 07.58 +0.02 RedCircle +3
369.) 07.57 UNCH. Red_Clock -3
370.) 07.57 UNCH. WadeFulp -3

Shweet, I passed Wade! Congrats to everyone, and thanks for the update geefox ^_^

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-27 23:49:43

At 11/27/04 11:20 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I dunno if I'd describe it as "getting to me."

It obviously did, as it prompted you to say "No gfoxcook call I, an affectionate nickname give me."

O_o I also don't know why you say "finally." I just noticed the one time. Had you been intentionally saying "gfoxcook" while responding to me for the past month or something? O_O

Responding, referring to. I have been doing it all over the place for a while, yes.

Anyway, the way you used my full username just seemed awkward, or like this was the second time you'd ever posted in my thread or something. Since you is teh MrJames and not some noob, I called attention to it. #;-}>

Well, it probably wouldn't have been so awkward had I not been using gfox for most (if not all) of the time I've known you. I'll admit, it does feel awkward typing it out. But, it's a quirk, and I love having quirks.

It's my alias because it's been my alias since 1994. Everyone has nicknames. When you were MrJames, we'd call you James now and them, wouldn't we? The great thing about a name is that you can shorten it. Usually. #;-}>

You can also use the full one. It's up to the individual. Narf.

Getting smart with me, EH!?!

At least my ass is educated.

Oh... wait.

Well, it's a long strange trip.


Argh, now I'm mixing my Beatles metaphors with my Grateful Dead metaphors. LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!
goes to find more silly pills:::

8 )

Well, you can hope-a-hope-a-hope-a-hope that IKRU doesn't rankup, but I wouldn't hold me breath.

IM_KOOL_R_U eh? That little bitch. He just lost all 'koolness' he may have had. > : (

It's a bit early for him to respond by giving you what you want, isn't it? I don't think Santa does early X-mas gifts. ;_;

This can be a favour then. ; )

Well, the way you were talking when you finally made it, it sounded like you expected to be knocked off within the week. And that didn't happen, so there ya go!

I guess.

/me revels in pessimism

Oh come on, it's not pointless if it's a peak you have to fall down a bit from... I just hit #18, and I'm likely to backslide to 19th and maybe even 20th soon when I get passed by staphita and/or UND, but I DID HIT 18, yanno.

You're living in the past man, stop living in the past!

Being able to say "I WAS in the Top 100 VP" dims greatly in comparison to being able to say "I AM in the Top 100 VP."

Back in the days of popularity

= /

Popularity is understandable, since one day you could be 235 and the next 64890. I don't look at VP in the same light.

Besides, if you DO fall off, you can always make it back on. Rankup would help, though. #;-}>

As always.

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 00:19:13

At 11/27/04 07:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote: It's got nothing to do with your signup date. If there's a way to EASILY double-sort a list (First by the VP column, then within each VP tie, by signup/ID#) with Excel, I haven't discovered it, so I don't bother doing so.

woops =) Mixing sk stats with yours hehe. I remember reading something similar in the past. ... so if you could do it easily, you would? Great. Too bad that you are limited by some difficulty.

Users without a profile would give you more trouble assuming that they gain vp with experience. :P Oh they are currently giving you some trouble? why? because you can't always find out their amount of experience so you could use the vp formulas? hahaha!

I also noticed that you don't even bother calculating their vp so you are ignoring that trouble, heh? and I'm still assuming that they can gain some vp. Maybe they can't. Maybe they .. ugh... nevermind!

For the top 100, I go through and manually break any ties, mostly by activity and then by signup (for instance, if that segment you quoted up there was in the top 100, I would have slid LegendaryFrog and Faceman13 down below you and the other upward-movers because they are UNCH.).

wow, top 100 and the tie at the bottom get special treatments! You are so unfair :D OK, I understand that it would be a shitload of work. It's not something that you want to deal with every week uh? That's perfectly fine with me. It's already good that you keep updating your lists, more would be appreciated BUT it wouldn't be necessary. Anyway, you are only a human so we can't ask for too much, right? You are doing a great job right now. Everyone is except ME! DUN DUN DUUUUN! (inserting a bonus's line)

IOW, from last update, it looked like this:
7.50 Mappy
7.50 SubmitsTooMuchCrappyHentai
7.50 TooLazyToAnimateHisOwnSubmissions
7.50 Pacman1337
7.49 -Desolation-
7.49 jk666
7.49 Biofreak

Can you guess the hidden users?

When you gained 0.02 and passed those two punkass chumps, you tied all those other people for 7.50, but you were coming from lower than they were, so you're at the bottom of the stack. Capisce? If you'd like to see yourself higher on the list, check SK's when he updates it. His program automatically breaks ties by profile ID#.

Thanks for clearing everything up. Ya, I prefer sk's update but he won't update it during a whole month :( Although, making comments here about vp is better than anywhere else because I know that at least one person will quote me and care about what I type. Can you guess that person? Don't you feel loved, ugh I mean, appreciated?

Your rankup will serve you well, indeed. And remember, the higher on the list you go, the fewer people you'll ever be tied with, so you'll won't have to worry too much about the huge 7.50 jam-up you were in today, and things like that.

Yeah, the future seems too bright for me. :)

Nifty! Sounds like something Bonus would say, though. O_o

I stole that line from Bedn! It was in one of his reviews. He made that review for Bedn: all your accounts 1 by DarkArchon. BonusStage can go to hell =) oh wait.. he's already there :P

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 00:22:26

Damn so much to read in ths topic. I jsut wish HT would miss a deposit. :)

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 00:38:30

At 11/27/04 05:37 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 080.) 09.51 UNCH. FuSiOn_3D -1
081.) 09.51 UNCH. ReverendYates -1
082.) 09.50 +0.03 wismty +1
083.) 09.48 UNCH. Brewed_Beaner -1
084.) 09.45 -0.01 Kitty

First time in a while I gained +.03 in VP. but unfortunatly I'm still in that damn 80's, but with my rank just around the corner I should be able to pass that cursed place for good... (=<

Need help on beating Alkie Kong 2, brutal mode? click here.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 03:55:42

At 11/27/04 05:37 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Update date: Saturday, November 27th, 2004

Thanks much =)


No doubt. Well done and it's about time ;)

034.) 10.55 +0.03 D0GMA

Starting to run out of those +.03s ... oh well, nice while they lasted ;)

094.) 09.23 +0.01 CrowStar
095.) 09.20 +0.02 Violet-AIM
096.) 09.14 +0.01 -PZY-
097.) 09.14 +0.01 Dekathos
098.) 09.14 +0.01 ornery_scotsman
099.) 09.13 +0.02 stafffighter
100.) 09.11 +0.02 FIGMENTUM
101.) 09.09 +0.02 IM_KOOL_R_U

Meh, at least they are making progress. James needs to watch out, though. IKRU is close to the 7% bonus and the closer Syme gets, the more likely he is is to push up his pace to keep ahead of her. It'll give us another one over 9.25, but I'd just as soon it not be done concurrent with knocking James off the first posting ;)

At 11/27/04 05:40 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 201.)

Heh, my goal is to get all of me up to this page and higher by the end of the year ;)

At 11/27/04 06:36 PM, Jen_the_Great wrote: Alas, top 50 in VP. I don't see myself moving much from this spot, unless it's down, but it's exciting to be up there. Thanks for another great update.

Grats =) Reminds me of when I was precariously parked on the number 50 lol I was positive someone was going to rank up and knock my arse back down off of it. Just took a quick scan, but it appears that the people in VP position to nudge you aren't in good position to rank up and do so. Keep hammering away at the BPs until you get Captain and you should be safe =)

At 11/27/04 07:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Yeah, no kidding. That's a bit of an understatement. O_o At least you had a nice clump of people to pass right after you hit EGSC, I certainly never did... one by one, no clusters for me... were you like #42 or so after ranking up, BTW? Or what, exactly? In any event, you've certainly passed quite a lot of people from just exp deposits alone since then.

Heh. I spent the entire time I was 48-50 gnawing on my fingernails, waiting for the inevitable rank-ups bumping me back out ... that somehow never came. 42 sounds about right, but not sure off hand. I'll wade through the list tonight and see if I can figure it out.

And AGAIN he doesn't get bumped. James has amazing powers. Ooooo, scary!

I have this vision of bloody fingetips and a cliff edge ...

Didn't try to warn Shar that she felt well... and... didn't try to warn X that he might get passed?

~sigh~ Here:

Jason's birthday was Monday. Shar wasn't feeling well. Jason wasn't getting any. I tried to get him "some" by first bugging her about why she was even on-line when he was home (so what the hell are you doing playing yahtzee with me when you should be doing something wifey?) then later teasing her about that her ill feelings were really just morning sickness or an M&M ... marriage migraine = "Not tonight, I have a headache."

gfox wants to go up in XP ranks. Wayne is ahead. gfox ain't passing Xwayne unless he misses some deposits. I tried to get him to miss some, letting you pass him, by giving him these visions of a really neat profile with all 10s in it. ~shrug~ I knew he wouldn't bite, but it was worth a shot.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 08:13:26

hello. I am a person. I like to play person games.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 10:08:13

At 11/28/04 03:55 AM, D0GMA wrote: gfox wants to go up in XP ranks. Wayne is ahead. gfox ain't passing Xwayne unless he misses some deposits. I tried to get him to miss some, letting you pass him, by giving him these visions of a really neat profile with all 10s in it. ~shrug~ I knew he wouldn't bite, but it was worth a shot.

Heh i did miss a few deposits maybe about 5 in the last month or so maybe more, but thats because Onic had to go out of town grrr, heh anyways, i wont be missing any more anytime soon...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 14:46:00

Urgh, I would get on this list, but...

I really don't feel like sitting around and getting b/p points all day. I definitely average less than five each day.


Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 14:54:58

At 11/28/04 02:46 PM, Elfer wrote: Urgh, I would get on this list, but...

I really don't feel like sitting around and getting b/p points all day. I definitely average less than five each day.

Well, you don't have to do it "all day" ... just passing by sometimes could easily get you above 15 per days, which will eventually get you to the list ...

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 14:58:25

At 11/28/04 10:02 AM, BonusStage wrote: Mine = more dramatic, thus battar ):<

First I stole the line. Now, can I steal the drama ? :P

I could never guess that person, though i bet he'd be much higher than you in b/s ranking :)

indeed. gfox has over 46000 b/p pts. That's higher than me.

*Stares down at you, from heaven* .... we moved last week, rather fun place once you get used to it, a much cooler climate, and much cuter girls :)

Down here, we can warm our lunch and we get strip clubs. You shoud come back sometimes.

Aren't we getting off topic? There is nothing about vp in this post.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 15:38:33

Time to group some posts together by theme/topic/poster... FIRST... we have the Bonus reply:

At 11/27/04 11:39 PM, BonusStage wrote: He tricked me into thinking he was leaving newgrounds, said he'd emailed wade and everything, did it over the course of an hour as well, and the typo comment, well its a nice little ramagi quote that i just adore ^.^

I see... E-mailed Wade for what? To get his account deleted? Pfft. Why can't people just LEAVE, eh? They have to be so overdramatic with the account deletion and all. People should follow skum001's example. Just go, and come back a year later and post once or twice, then leave again. #;-}>

As for the ramagi quote, yes... I've heard teh greatest hits. But it seemed like the AIM convo and typos had something to do with each other. Apparently you were just being random! Whee.

Well, that was the chances of it happening EACH time. The chances of you having a divisible-by-3 amount 3 weeks in a row... are more like 1 in 9, I suppose.
but 1/3 look much cooler, so that's why you choose it <3

Well, 1/3 * 1/3 = 1/9, so there ya go. DOUBLE THE 3-FULL GOODNESS.

Heh last Shaw i heard of went under house arrest, and then juvy for a year, and he's still serving that sentence XD

I was speaking of Bernard Shaw.

Worse than me, man! Worse than me. Tsk tsk.
Only because you make those OMG COOL weekly come backs so we can all just say OMG I WANT GFOX BACK over the week, i know your mind games mister ):<

Is that how it works? Huh. I had no idea. (WINK)

Seriously, man... you gotta learn the first rule of showbidness: ALWAYS LEAVE 'EM WANTING MORE.

I see... I say we kick our mice. Kinda an average of the two.
Don't know what kind of place you live in, but we in our neighborhood have no mice *squashes another cockroach* ):<

COMPUTER MICE, foolio. You know, the ones you were talking about clicking before? Har har.

O_O I'm gonna refuse to sexually misinterpret that.
heh i knew that even if i didn't mean to make it sexually (and i didn't too... end of world?) you'd still assume it <3

So that means that you DID mean it. You gave it forethought. So ha ha!

OOO"" yuor KEWL ):<

For having a mastercard or making a mastercard/priceless joke? O_o

What's with all this lame "joo" alternate spelling crap?
*changes above to yuor* *CRIES* WAWAAAHHHHAHAHA :_<

That's better. Stop crying, biiatch!

I... see.
A tree?

Oak, specifically.

Heh the two memories i have of the Bébé clothes line
1) On an absolutely beautiful Jewish girl hugges tightly around her chest
2) Pasing through the Gay Pride Parade in New York 3 years ago ):<

Both are true to life unfortunately :_<

I have no idea what you are talking about. And I'm kinda glad about that. :::runs:::

Hooray! My own Bonus Stage model to call my own! OWNAGE!
HEY *gets thrown in garbage* MEANIE ):<

Sorry, man. You were obsolete. ;_;

Oh i'll enjoy it .... YEAH I WILL ):<

Good. See that you did/do/will.

At 11/28/04 10:02 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 11/28/04 12:19 AM, EKRegulus wrote:
DUN DUN DUUUUN! (inserting a bonus's line)

Mine = more dramatic, thus battar ):<


I know that at least one person will quote me and care about what I type. Can you guess that person? Don't you feel loved, ugh I mean, appreciated?
I could never guess that person, though i bet he'd be much higher than you in b/s ranking :)

!!! You imply that the only reason I talk to people about their VP in this topic is that I'm higher than them in b/p?! That doesn't make any sense, though, because b/p is not the same as VP, for one thing... and ramagi is perfectly welcome to talk about her VP in here, and I'll reply to her, so... YOU THEORY IS SHOT TO HELL. #;-}> Besides, there's 17 people ahead of me ON the VP list, and I don't hold that against any of them.

As long as they've been ahead of me for a long time, that is. If they just passed me, I'm gonna ignore them. THIS MEANS YOU, STAPHITA AND UND! HA HA! PASS ME AND FEEL THE WRATHZORS! #;-}>

I stole that line from Bedn! It was in one of his reviews. He made that review for Bedn: all your accounts 1 by DarkArchon. BonusStage can go to hell =) oh wait.. he's already there :P
*Stares down at you, from heaven* .... we moved last week, rather fun place once you get used to it, a much cooler climate, and much cuter girls :)

Heh... heh... HAR!?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 15:40:38

Next, we have the EKRegulus reply, which is insanely big but I was explaining a lot of different things in my usual longwinded fashion, I suppose. O_o Anyway:

At 11/28/04 12:19 AM, EKRegulus wrote: woops =) Mixing sk stats with yours hehe. I remember reading something similar in the past. ... so if you could do it easily, you would? Great. Too bad that you are limited by some difficulty.

Yep. If someone with more Excel experience than me were to tell me of a good way to double-sort my list, I'd go for it.

I actually thought about doing exp/b/prank pulls once SK released his program, so that I could have excel calculate everyone's TRUE VP and not have to worry about tiebreaks really, as SK is now going to do with his list... but it would be too big of a pain to integrate with my spreadsheet as it is currently constructed. I'd much prefer to find out how to sort by VP and then sort tiebreakers by profile ID# with great ease. That would rock my world. Alas, I haven't found out how to yet. Maybe I should go read an indepth Excel tutorial or something.

Users without a profile would give you more trouble assuming that they gain vp with experience. :P Oh they are currently giving you some trouble? why? because you can't always find out their amount of experience so you could use the vp formulas? hahaha!

Why would they give me trouble? There is no VP rank (alas) in our profiles, so I can't see any gaps and I don't care about any gaps. SK isn't worrying about them, either. BTW, finding out a Vagrant's exp amount doesn't do shit for finding out their VP amount because you don't know how many b/p they have, and thus how much VP bonus % they have.

Dogma's said her alt qualifies for my list, but she's chosen to keep it profileless so it isn't on the list and that's that. It would boggle the mind if there were more than 1 or 2 other accounts (shak3s probably is one of them) that should be in the top 500 and aren't, so screw that. Anyone who intentionally keeps their account profileless and has thousands of exp and b/p clearly doesn't CARE about being listed, anyway.

I also noticed that you don't even bother calculating their vp so you are ignoring that trouble, heh? and I'm still assuming that they can gain some vp. Maybe they can't. Maybe they .. ugh... nevermind!

Like I said. I CAN'T calculate their VP. I don't know how many b/p they have. And even if I went by Dogma's vagrant calculations and hunting down exp amounts on the BBS (assuming they've all posted, which I'm sure isn't the case), then it's not worth the trouble. I'm not going to waste my time because some jackasses haven't made profiles. Capisce?

If liljim ever puts VP rank in our profiles, SK will no doubt add VP rank to his NG Lister, and I will then pull VP rank and I'll be able to see where gaps are, and I'll put those gaps on my list. And that will amount to having vagrants on the list. But as of now, liljim hasn't put VP rank in our profiles, so there ya go.

wow, top 100 and the tie at the bottom get special treatments! You are so unfair :D OK, I understand that it would be a shitload of work. It's not something that you want to deal with every week uh? That's perfectly fine with me. It's already good that you keep updating your lists, more would be appreciated BUT it wouldn't be necessary. Anyway, you are only a human so we can't ask for too much, right? You are doing a great job right now. Everyone is except ME! DUN DUN DUUUUN! (inserting a bonus's line)

Why should it be any surprise they get special treatment? Hadn't you noticed that I only boldface people who rankup in the top 100? That's much more "special" than me manually breaking ties. And the only reason I do it for #500 is so a deserving person doesn't get kept off the list while a person not depositing exp stays on the list. Like the tie you were a part of... if that tie had been between 495 and 505, you would have been in danger of not making the list, even though you were tied in VP with a jackass who isn't depositing or getting b/p anymore. And that's why I ensure the safety of active NG users whenever possible, when it comes to making the bottom of the list or not.

Thanks for clearing everything up. Ya, I prefer sk's update but he won't update it during a whole month :( Although, making comments here about vp is better than anywhere else because I know that at least one person will quote me and care about what I type. Can you guess that person? Don't you feel loved, ugh I mean, appreciated?

Hmph. Everyone always prefers the "new toy." ;_; My list is old, has had three owners, and is well-worn, yes... but it's been loved and cared for... for almost TWO YEARS, man. They just don't make 'em like that anymore.

And yes, as you point out, I advertise my list by giving everyone who wants to post about their spot on it (or how soon they might make it onto the list) some appropriate attention and appreciation. :::nods:::

I don't do it so people "love" or appreciate me, though respect is always nice. I do it so people feel involved in this list, because this list isn't MY list, it's the list of the 500 people currently listed. Everyone who's on it has worked hard to get on it at some point in their NG lifetime, and this is a place for them to enjoy that fact and to converse with others who've made it onto the list. It's a long and storied tradition, man. Of Voting Power eliteness. :::salutes all the brave elite VPers:::

Nifty! Sounds like something Bonus would say, though. O_o
I stole that line from Bedn! It was in one of his reviews. He made that review for Bedn: all your accounts 1 by DarkArchon. BonusStage can go to hell =) oh wait.. he's already there :P

Bedn? Why would Bedn copy Bonus? #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 15:42:09

And now we have the Figmentum/RedCircle fun fun let's-trade-places reply:

At 11/27/04 11:40 PM, FIGMENTUM wrote:
At 11/27/04 05:41 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 368.) 07.58 +0.02 RedCircle +3
369.) 07.57 UNCH. Red_Clock -3
370.) 07.57 UNCH. WadeFulp -3
Shweet, I passed Wade! Congrats to everyone, and thanks for the update geefox ^_^

Congratulations on that... "James." (wink)

Sure thing. Mind telling me what the hell is going on with the name/identity swap, though? O_O

At 11/27/04 11:49 PM, RedCircle wrote:
At 11/27/04 11:20 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I dunno if I'd describe it as "getting to me."
It obviously did, as it prompted you to say "No gfoxcook call I, an affectionate nickname give me."

I didn't say not to call me gfoxcook, I simply asked "why the formality?" It seemed awkward and out of place, coming from you, as I've already said. #;-}>

Responding, referring to. I have been doing it all over the place for a while, yes.

I see.

Well, it probably wouldn't have been so awkward had I not been using gfox for most (if not all) of the time I've known you. I'll admit, it does feel awkward typing it out. But, it's a quirk, and I love having quirks.

HA HA! See?! I KNEW IT. #;-}> Well, enjoy your "quirkiness." Is this swap with RC part of your attempt to add quirks? #;-}>

You can also use the full one. It's up to the individual. Narf.

Yes it is... but going out of your way to use a name you don't normally call someone... is going to naturally attract attention. AS YOURS FINALLY DID! #;-}>

Getting smart with me, EH!?!
At least my ass is educated.

Not that kind of smart, silly. #;-}>

Oh... wait.

Theeeeere ya go.

Argh, now I'm mixing my Beatles metaphors with my Grateful Dead metaphors. LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!
goes to find more silly pills:::
8 )

WAHHHHH!!! SUPER BAD ACID FLASHBACK. Don't do that smiley again, damnit! :::takes more "silly" pills:::

Well, you can hope-a-hope-a-hope-a-hope that IKRU doesn't rankup, but I wouldn't hold me breath.
IM_KOOL_R_U eh? That little bitch. He just lost all 'koolness' he may have had. > : (

Well, he seems to be the most likely candidate for passing yo' ass on this list, yes. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but at least you've had fair warning. Feel free to attempt sabotage on him before he can rankup, if you like!

It's a bit early for him to respond by giving you what you want, isn't it? I don't think Santa does early X-mas gifts. ;_;
This can be a favour then. ; )

A favour from Santa, eh? Well, I'll be sure to thank him for that kindness if he does indeed deliver it to you. We'll find out on Saturday, I suppose, eh?

/me revels in pessimism


You're living in the past man, stop living in the past!

I'm living in the PRESENT, actually, I'm PRESENTLY at #18, and I'm going to enjoy it as long as I can. And if I get knocked back to 19 or 20... if I do get passed in VP for the first time since March... I will simply be thankful for how long of a streak I had of not getting passed... something most people ABOVE ME on the list currently don't even have... and I will thus be happy, even though I've moved backwards a bit. :::nods:::

Being able to say "I WAS in the Top 100 VP" dims greatly in comparison to being able to say "I AM in the Top 100 VP."

Now that is true, yes... I suppose your situation (possibly going from 100 to 101) is a bit more dire than mine (possibly going from 18 to 19 or 20), in a way. After all, you will lose your spot in the first post of my updates if it happens, whereas I just move down a line or two.

But still, it's nothing you can't overcome. YOU GO!

Popularity is understandable, since one day you could be 235 and the next 64890. I don't look at VP in the same light.

Pretty much, yep. My peak was 63 or so... never quite made the top 50 list. But it was basically proportional to how much you'd been around on the BBS. For instance, if the system was still in place today, I'd probably be around #100 on weekends after I posted my list updates and so forth... and then drop down to #300 or so during the week. Though perhaps being #3 on the top 50 b/p list would make the effect of the drop a little lessened. I wouldn't know, I never got to experience both at the same time. #;-}>

Besides, if you DO fall off, you can always make it back on. Rankup would help, though. #;-}>
As always.

Well, as always until you hit EGSC. Then a rankup is a... um... super-rare thing. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 15:43:50

And finally, in my 4th reply, we have everyone else. AKA my reply to The Sane People. #;-}>

At 11/28/04 12:22 AM, ramagi wrote: Damn so much to read in ths topic. I jsut wish HT would miss a deposit. :)

Well, you see those three replies by me above this one? Ignore them. Just read this one. #;-}>

In all seriousness, that tends to happen when Bonus and I get to talking after a list update weekend... so... um... just ignore all the "gfoxcook wrote:/BonusStage wrote:" back-and-forths that we tend to get into, and try to find the normal conversation about VP in between it. #;-}>

At 11/28/04 12:38 AM, wismty wrote:
At 11/27/04 05:37 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 082.) 09.50 +0.03 wismty +1
First time in a while I gained +.03 in VP. but unfortunatly I'm still in that damn 80's, but with my rank just around the corner I should be able to pass that cursed place for good... (=<

what's so bad about the 80s? I mean, I remember being stuck in the 60s and 70s for a long long while myself... and I know the feeling of just wanting to get to the top 50 and all... but you DO have to remember that you're still in the top 100, and that's pretty damned good, eh? Anyway, congrats on one more 0.03 VP gain. It might be one of your last. ;_;

At 11/28/04 03:55 AM, D0GMA wrote: Thanks much =)

You are much welcome!

No doubt. Well done and it's about time ;)

Indeed! Been waiting for him to make one of my two lists since August when he gifted you and I with the wonderous NGLister. Finally I have repaid him in some small way. #;-}>

034.) 10.55 +0.03 D0GMA
Starting to run out of those +.03s ... oh well, nice while they lasted ;)

You and wismty both. Enjoy them while they last. Hell, enjoy the 0.02s while they last, really!

Meh, at least they are making progress. James needs to watch out, though. IKRU is close to the 7% bonus and the closer Syme gets, the more likely he is is to push up his pace to keep ahead of her. It'll give us another one over 9.25, but I'd just as soon it not be done concurrent with knocking James off the first posting ;)

Yeah. I wasn't expecting EVERYONE in the 90s to be gaining VP every week when I made my perhaps-overestimaty prediction of how long it would take for the 9.25ness to be in place for the whole top 100...

I gotta hand it to youse guys... I underestimated your stick-to-itness. Good job, all you 9.00-9.25 peoples. :::salutes:::

At 11/27/04 05:40 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 201.)
Heh, my goal is to get all of me up to this page and higher by the end of the year ;)

Hmph! Silly vagrancy. Sillier than keeping your gender secret, really. MUCH sillier. #;-}>

Heh. I spent the entire time I was 48-50 gnawing on my fingernails, waiting for the inevitable rank-ups bumping me back out ... that somehow never came. 42 sounds about right, but not sure off hand. I'll wade through the list tonight and see if I can figure it out.

But were you in the 48-50 range as EGG or EGSC? I can't recall. I should just go check, seeing as how I have the text files, come to think of it. O_o


From 8/06 (7.50+)
049.) 09.85 +0.04 D0GMA +1

From 8/20 (7.50+)
043.) 10.22 +0.37 D0GMA +6

From 8/26 (first top 500, cumulative since June 30th):
043.) 10.24 +0.51 D0GMA +7

Yeah, looks like you were waiting to be passed BEFORE that rankup, not afterwards. You moved up from 43rd to 34th since hitting EGSC, compared to me moving up from 25th to 18th. So, I guess I haven't been THAT bad off... but keep in mind that the +7 for me took almost 9 months, but the +9 for you took only 2-3 months. Therein lies the difference: RATE.

And AGAIN he doesn't get bumped. James has amazing powers. Ooooo, scary!
I have this vision of bloody fingetips and a cliff edge ...

LOL! Nice imagery there.

Jason's birthday was Monday. Shar wasn't feeling well. Jason wasn't getting any. I tried to get him "some" by first bugging her about why she was even on-line when he was home (so what the hell are you doing playing yahtzee with me when you should be doing something wifey?) then later teasing her about that her ill feelings were really just morning sickness or an M&M ... marriage migraine = "Not tonight, I have a headache."

Ahhh... thank you, that makes a lot more sense. #;-}>

gfox wants to go up in XP ranks. Wayne is ahead. gfox ain't passing Xwayne unless he misses some deposits. I tried to get him to miss some, letting you pass him, by giving him these visions of a really neat profile with all 10s in it. ~shrug~ I knew he wouldn't bite, but it was worth a shot.

Yes, yes, I understood THAT side of teh equation. It was the minimal info about your friend Shar that flew right over my head and needed more explaining. #;-}>

At 11/28/04 08:13 AM, asdfsdfg wrote: hello. I am a person. I like to play person games.

Well hello, person! Long time no talk.

I've noticed that you're STILL 10 exp behind me. But I also noticed (and I'm not sure whether you have) that Zenxin... who's been between 30 and 10 exp ahead of me for the last HALF YEAR or so... has finally missed a few days of exp!

3 days ago:
7690 Zenxin
7680 gfox
7670 asdfsdfg

7710 gfox
7700 asdfsdfg
7690 Zenxin

MY how the tables have turned, eh wot? #;-}>

At 11/28/04 10:08 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Heh i did miss a few deposits maybe about 5 in the last month or so maybe more, but thats because Onic had to go out of town grrr, heh anyways, i wont be missing any more anytime soon...

5, eh? That'll help. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 16:03:51

At 11/28/04 03:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Time to group some posts together by theme/topic/poster... FIRST... we have the Bonus reply:

Are you saying you love Bonus more than everyone else by putting him first? =P

I see... E-mailed Wade for what? To get his account deleted? Pfft. Why can't people just LEAVE, eh? They have to be so overdramatic with the account deletion and all. People should follow skum001's example. Just go, and come back a year later and post once or twice, then leave again. #;-}>

Heh, you're still somewhat clueless about all of this. Sorry that me and Bonus confused you about this. Basically, I got bored. So I decided I'd IM Bonus and tell him I was quitting NG. Just for fun of course. Then it ended up being REALLY fun. So I pretended to get all dramatic and stuff. It ended up going on for an hour. I was like "My stats are horrible, no one on NG likes me, I just sent Wade an e-mail to delete my account so I won't ever be tempted to come again." The sad thing was he bought it. He believed it all. Then I finally told him I was just kidding and he said "I hate you very.....he probably typed very 500 times.....much." And it was over. Fun stuff, fun stuff.

As for the ramagi quote, yes... I've heard teh greatest hits. But it seemed like the AIM convo and typos had something to do with each other. Apparently you were just being random! Whee.

Actually, during the convo Bonus had made a topic about me wanted my account deleted. >_< So I went into the topic thinking "Crap, why'd he go and make a topic." And when responding I made some weird typo that he found funny. Thus he used the Ramagi quote to try and get back at me. =D
And then we ran across the daisy fields. Teh edn. :o

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 16:17:07

At 11/28/04 03:40 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Yep. If someone with more Excel experience than me were to tell me of a good way to double-sort my list, I'd go for it.

Does the attached screenshot window appear when you click the Data menu and select Sort? Just change "Column A" to the column containing your VP numbers, and change "Column B" to the column containing your profile ID numbers.

Top Voting Power List

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 16:39:20

At 11/28/04 02:54 PM, -Myst- wrote:
At 11/28/04 02:46 PM, Elfer wrote: Urgh, I would get on this list, but...

I really don't feel like sitting around and getting b/p points all day. I definitely average less than five each day.
Well, you don't have to do it "all day" ... just passing by sometimes could easily get you above 15 per days, which will eventually get you to the list ...

He doesn't even need 15 bppd. Just depositing exp every single day will get him there sooner or later. He's just below 7.00 VP, and the amount the bottom of the list goes up by each week, as I previously discussed, isn't more than 0.02 VP... his depositing VP should be outpacing that right now, even at the low b/p rank he's at.

But we all know Elfer is teh sigpic master and doesn't need to worry about VP rank. #;-}>

At 11/28/04 02:58 PM, EKRegulus wrote: indeed. gfox has over 46000 b/p pts. That's higher than me.

(cough) over 47000 now. (cough)

*Stares down at you, from heaven* .... we moved last week, rather fun place once you get used to it, a much cooler climate, and much cuter girls :)
Down here, we can warm our lunch and we get strip clubs. You shoud come back sometimes.

There's no strip clubs in heaven? Hmph.

Aren't we getting off topic? There is nothing about vp in this post.

Didn't you know? Bonus has a "I don't have to be ontopic!" pass for my list topics. (wink) #;-}>

At 11/28/04 04:03 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: Are you saying you love Bonus more than everyone else by putting him first? =P

Nope. Sometimes my reply to him ends up last, after all. YOU'RE READING TOO MUCH INTO THINGS. Besides, I described the people I was replying to in the 4th/last post... as the SANE people, yanno. That's a compliment from most people, myself included. #;-}>

I see... E-mailed Wade for what? To get his account deleted? Pfft. Why can't people just LEAVE, eh? They have to be so overdramatic with the account deletion and all. People should follow skum001's example. Just go, and come back a year later and post once or twice, then leave again. #;-}>
Heh, you're still somewhat clueless about all of this. Sorry that me and Bonus confused you about this. Basically, I got bored. So I decided I'd IM Bonus and tell him I was quitting NG. Just for fun of course. Then it ended up being REALLY fun. So I pretended to get all dramatic and stuff. It ended up going on for an hour. I was like "My stats are horrible, no one on NG likes me, I just sent Wade an e-mail to delete my account so I won't ever be tempted to come again." The sad thing was he bought it. He believed it all. Then I finally told him I was just kidding and he said "I hate you very.....he probably typed very 500 times.....much." And it was over. Fun stuff, fun stuff.

Heh. Thanks for the more detailed description. I DID guess that you were joking about getting Wade to delete your account, though, so I don't understand how the bit of my post that you quoted shows me to be teh super-somewhat-clueless-still. #;-}>

As for the ramagi quote, yes... I've heard teh greatest hits. But it seemed like the AIM convo and typos had something to do with each other. Apparently you were just being random! Whee.
Actually, during the convo Bonus had made a topic about me wanted my account deleted. >_< So I went into the topic thinking "Crap, why'd he go and make a topic." And when responding I made some weird typo that he found funny. Thus he used the Ramagi quote to try and get back at me. =D

HE MADE A TOPIC? On general? Oy vey. Hope he doesn't get banned for it, joobie-style.

And then we ran across the daisy fields. Teh edn. :o


I thought that was just a special thing between him and me. ;_;

At 11/28/04 04:17 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 11/28/04 03:40 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Yep. If someone with more Excel experience than me were to tell me of a good way to double-sort my list, I'd go for it.
Does the attached screenshot window appear when you click the Data menu and select Sort? Just change "Column A" to the column containing your VP numbers, and change "Column B" to the column containing your profile ID numbers.

God, I'm a moron. I never even LOOK at that window. I set it to the current-update VP column (G) a year ago, and to the total stat column (K) on the pentalist a year ago as well... set it to descending order... and basically, as Ron Popeil would say... "SET IT AND FORGET IT!" Well... I set it and FORGOT it, actually.

So anyway, I always just select the rows/columns I'm sorting, hit alt-d-s, hit enter, and that's that. I never even bothered to look that closely at all the sorting options. I AM TEH SILLY.

Dur. Thanks, SK. Now teh future VP top 500s will be profile ID# sorted, thanks to you!

I'll probably continue to sort the top 100 by activity, however. As a special consideration to teh elitest of the elite. :::nods::: But we'll see, this double-column sorting ability I had managed to overlook might let me laziness take over. Dogma won't be too happy about that, though. ;_;

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 16:40:32

At 11/28/04 03:40 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Next, we have the EKRegulus reply, which is insanely big but I was explaining a lot of different things in my usual longwinded fashion, I suppose. O_o Anyway:

Why am I not considered like a sane person? :D I will cut some parts too.

blah blah about excel

Good, hopefully someone will find the solution for you.

blah blah about vagrants/vp ranks

Alright, I don't see the point either without the ranking system that might never appear. As long as the don't make a profile, we will ignore their stats. Isn't that what they want anyway? Hiding the stats so we ignore them. Sure, some of them don't care at all... it's getting long CUT!

Why should it be any surprise they get special treatment?

A surprise? I didn't say anything about a surprise. I understand what you mean, it's just that we can still call it a special treatment :D

Hmph. Everyone always prefers the "new toy." ;_; My list is old, has had three owners, and is well-worn, yes... but it's been loved and cared for... for almost TWO YEARS, man. They just don't make 'em like that anymore.

Did I mention that I love this list? Indeed, I prefer the new toy for some reasons. The reasons are.. cut! No need to get into the details.

And yes, as you point out, I advertise my list by giving everyone who wants to post about their spot on it (or how soon they might make it onto the list) some appropriate attention and appreciation. :::nods:::

Roger that!

I don't do it so people "love" or appreciate me, though respect is always nice. I do it so people feel involved in this list, because this list isn't MY list, it's the list of the 500 people currently listed. Everyone who's on it has worked hard to get on it at some point in their NG lifetime, and this is a place for them to enjoy that fact and to converse with others who've made it onto the list. It's a long and storied tradition, man. Of Voting Power eliteness. :::salutes all the brave elite VPers:::

I feel involved too, not just appreciated. Dunno about the others.

Bedn? Why would Bedn copy Bonus? #;-}>

Bonus copied Bedn which copied someone which copied someone, etc. Who cares about where's that quote comes from. That quote is still fun to use and it's sexier than sex... ogm the quote "sexier than sex" is sexier than sex O_o

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 16:44:22

At 11/28/04 04:39 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Dur. Thanks, SK. Now teh future VP top 500s will be profile ID# sorted, thanks to you!


At 11/28/04 04:40 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Good, hopefully someone will find the solution for you.

Heh, too late.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 16:47:15

At 11/28/04 04:44 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 11/28/04 04:40 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Good, hopefully someone will find the solution for you.
Heh, too late.

The funny part is that I read your post before posting mine :D

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 17:07:28

At 11/28/04 04:39 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Nope. Sometimes my reply to him ends up last, after all. YOU'RE READING TOO MUCH INTO THINGS. Besides, I described the people I was replying to in the 4th/last post... as the SANE people, yanno. That's a compliment from most people, myself included. #;-}>

Shh...I know all of that. I was just trying to make it look like you were picking favourites. That way everyone would hate you and we could topple you and your power. I mean....you didn't see that. *Hides master plans of BBS domination.*

Heh. Thanks for the more detailed description. I DID guess that you were joking about getting Wade to delete your account, though, so I don't understand how the bit of my post that you quoted shows me to be teh super-somewhat-clueless-still. #;-}>

Well you were talking about, "Why can't they just leave their account inactive instead of being so dramatic." So I assumed you didn't get it. >_<

HE MADE A TOPIC? On general? Oy vey. Hope he doesn't get banned for it, joobie-style.

Heh, it's ok. The topic died. I was more afraid Wade would see it and actually delete my account. O_O

I thought that was just a special thing between him and me. ;_;

Pfft. He tells everyone that. I bet you think that those cookies he gives you the first time were home made didn't you? *Laughs* =D

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 18:41:39

At 11/27/04 07:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Welcome to level 14 hell, man. Welcome to pipedoomtorture. ;_;

It's not as bad as I thought it would be. I like it better than the bat because the metal pipe goes better with the other mid-high levels imo.

My alt account's there, too. Wait, I'm having deja vu all over again. I'm pretty sure I'd already discovered, long ago, that your account and my alt are near the same exp. So... why bring it up again?

Yeah I've know the status of gfoxclock for quite some time.

Well... to share the misery of level 14 pipehood, I guess.

Yes, that's it I think.

Are you sure you don't have a Snow Problem? #;-}>

I don't have NO problem, I have a SNOW problem. HAR HAR (did that make any sense? not sure!)

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 19:41:09

At 11/28/04 02:54 PM, -Myst- wrote: Well, you don't have to do it "all day" ... just passing by sometimes could easily get you above 15 per days, which will eventually get you to the list ...

Haha hey Myst long time no see, ya but then that takes the fun out of just sitting there looking at a screen all day haha...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-28 23:19:10

At 11/28/04 08:13 AM, asdfsdfg wrote: hello. I am a person. I like to play person games.
Well hello, person! Long time no talk.

I've noticed that you're STILL 10 exp behind me. But I also noticed (and I'm not sure whether you have) that Zenxin... who's been between 30 and 10 exp ahead of me for the last HALF YEAR or so... has finally missed a few days of exp!

3 days ago:
7690 Zenxin
7680 gfox
7670 asdfsdfg

7710 gfox
7700 asdfsdfg
7690 Zenxin

MY how the tables have turned, eh wot? #;-}>

wow, snap. I wrote about that in the protectors topic. I saw some list which had vibes as still being active and only 10-20 exp behind me.

do you know how flukey it is that I haven't really missed a day? there have been times where I have missed a day for doing deposits, but then when that has happened I have always managed to log on early enough the next day my time to still get the deposit for that grounds gold day. it is kind of handy having the new grounds gold day start in the afternoon here.

there was about a month there where I was working more or less full time (on a casual rate!!), but that's over now. but that pretty much ran straight into paper mario coming out, so that's been keeping me busy most recently.

so there's your mini-me update. let's do it again in another few months.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-29 01:41:49

I had a giant VP leap over the weekend:

Voting Power: 5.95 votes

Not much compared to you fewls, but damnit I'm happy with it! :P

Minecraft server: alureon.net

PortalWatch 0.1 Alpha - Download

Sig by illicit

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-29 01:43:08

At 11/29/04 01:41 AM, SeeD419 wrote: I had a giant VP leap over the weekend:

Voting Power: 5.95 votes

Not much compared to you fewls, but damnit I'm happy with it! :P

Heh, I had a voting power leap, too, thanks to a BP rankup. I'm at 7.40 right now, myself.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-29 02:24:11

At 11/29/04 01:43 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Heh, I had a voting power leap, too, thanks to a BP rankup. I'm at 7.40 right now, myself.

Holy shit congrats. Meh, the jealousy sets in once again. To to the portal!!!

Minecraft server: alureon.net

PortalWatch 0.1 Alpha - Download

Sig by illicit

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2004-11-29 05:39:59

At 11/28/04 03:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Sure thing. Mind telling me what the hell is going on with the name/identity swap, though? O_O

RedCircle9: I'm mad. You have level 16 and I'm stuck at 13 >:o
n o v e l t i c: wanna trade for a while?

Simple as that. I'm almost always up for something confusion inducing.

I didn't say not to call me gfoxcook, I simply asked "why the formality?"

kk. gfoxcook.

I see.

I've been assumed you've been seeing for a while now. Unless they've somehow invented Braille keyboards and monitors (o_O) I don't see how you couldn't.

HA HA! See?! I KNEW IT. #;-}> Well, enjoy your "quirkiness."

I shall. The awkwardness is getting better though.

Is this swap with RC part of your attempt to add quirks? #;-}>

Just for a laugh really.

Yes it is... but going out of your way to use a name you don't normally call someone... is going to naturally attract attention. AS YOURS FINALLY DID! #;-}>


WAHHHHH!!! SUPER BAD ACID FLASHBACK. Don't do that smiley again, damnit! :::takes more "silly" pills:::

Why gfoxcook. I never knew. Acid is bad for you, mmkay.

Feel free to attempt sabotage on him before he can rankup, if you like!

/me recruits Bedn

Go forth my minion!

A favour from Santa, eh?

Yes. If he's as jolly as he's made out to be I'm sure he'd be glad to help me out.

Well, I'll be sure to thank him for that kindness if he does indeed deliver it to you.

He'll be getting plenty of thanks from me too!

We'll find out on Saturday, I suppose, eh?

Earlier, if he does indeed rank up.


/me revels in pessimistic rebellion

I'm living in the PRESENT, actually, I'm PRESENTLY at #18, and I'm going to enjoy it as long as I can.

What a great way to ruin my Simpsons quote.

And if I get knocked back to 19 or 20... if I do get passed in VP for the first time since March... I will simply be thankful ... and I will thus be happy, even though I've moved backwards a bit. :::nods:::

I guess that's where we're different.

Now that is true, yes... I suppose your situation (possibly going from 100 to 101) is a bit more dire than mine (possibly going from 18 to 19 or 20), in a way. After all, you will lose your spot in the first post of my updates if it happens, whereas I just move down a line or two.

Ah, good point. I hadn't thought of that. It's almost as if my spot is more precious to me than yours is to you. And it's your own list!

But still, it's nothing you can't overcome. YOU GO!

That phrase is naked without the word 'girl' on the end. How could you bring yourself to ruin it so?

Well, as always until you hit EGSC. Then a rankup is a... um... super-rare thing. #;-}>

For now...

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

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