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mix distorted kicks &detuned synth!

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Response to mix distorted kicks &detuned synth! 2009-05-04 23:33:41

Ha this post is just amusing me now, what is worse is that it is making me look like a newb-lamer-max

funny things about this post are.

1.slipstreamer added me to his favorite artists list like 3 months ago and basicly hes making me look retarded... LOL it is funny but not really

2.i didnt mean to cause so much hate! this kind of "everyone help themselves attitude" has been going around on the forums now for about a month and it is being battled on this thread. i dont want for someone to get pissed over one disagreement. the audio portal here has been a major influence on my life and i really want to think we are somewhat close enough to share this same space that we can help each other out. this is one of the few places where i can get real feedback from people who produce music that are around or above my experience level. thats what this forum should be about.

3.i have written 120+ long ass reviews and typed pages and pages of information to help people who ask me questions. i have found that the easiest way of not helping someone and leading out the weaklings that will not try to help themselves is just simply not to reply. here in this post i just wanted suggestions after i have tried.

anyway to super mecha cow, yes that is a good idea, i am using reason and there is a synth called the subtractor that is a dual osc and you can detune both, perhaps i will make a new synth using this menthod instead of using a fragmenter to boost the overtones such as in thors multi osc.

thanks guys, btw if anyone here has experience in make a good cross fader with the combinator let me know because i want to make it so that the amplitudes of each arent completely dropped in the center position of the knob. can you make cross fader with a mixer and an augs send?

nobody has replied to this question in the reason thread and if i create a thread about it they will just tell me to post it there again lol<----------this is probably a horrible idea to ask this now and here

Articulation by art

Instagram @ Sequencer1

3D, Music, Dance, Make

BBS Signature

Response to mix distorted kicks &detuned synth! 2009-05-05 00:05:56

Lol, what were you asking in your question anyway Darren.

I'm going to stop flam fighting with you stupid NG kids now because its becoming quite annoying.

Certified audiophreak, lv 60.

BBS Signature

Response to mix distorted kicks &detuned synth! 2009-05-05 00:26:19

haha after all that haha....ok i just wanted to know a good way of processing the two if they were both on the low end and since they have sub frequencies blended with their overtones they are well saturated throughout the spectrum, like since the kick has been distorted it has some stuff near 4khz, but when you simply eq the problem the kick loses its timbre/tonal representation thus devaluating its presence in the song.

the panning suggestion was a good suggestion because it creates space so i think im going to go with that and try to keep the kick mono. perhaps ill but i cant pan to much so... idk. its ok really! i wont even be able to finish this project anytime soon.

if you have any more suggestions it would be great but dude after all that, heh, i think i can work it out now.

Articulation by art

Instagram @ Sequencer1

3D, Music, Dance, Make

BBS Signature

Response to mix distorted kicks &detuned synth! 2009-05-05 14:44:09

Lol Darren. I know what you mean by the attitude of the forums. You saw me get eaten alive last night (although I had it coming).

But thanks for the thanks. Now I know I know at least something.

I've been having the same problem for months now. Once you really get to distorting that bass kick it eats every frequency humans are capable of hearing. I've tried simply turning the kick down, but then the rest of the song covers it up entirely. I've tried EQ'ing it, but then when I'm done I might as well used NO effects than two that make it sound like I did nothing.

I've been dodging this problem by using off-beat basslines (kick-bass-kick-bass-kick-bass-kick-bass ) or just not using a bassline at all. You'd be surprised how much you don't miss it when the kick is especially loud or long.

Unfortunately that's all the help I can really give. I've frankly given up on it until I find a solution myself. I know exactly the sound I'm looking for, just not sure how to get it.