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About the collab threads

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Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-10 15:01:03

At 7/10/05 02:40 PM, BlackmarketKraig wrote:
True, but sometimes it is coincidence...

I know, at first I saw some things like begginer fbf colab, and then fbf collab and stuff, I know that obviously I didn't start off anything or it was an original idea, but still it feels wierd.....most people wouldn't know though

I mean frame by frame is a hard thing to just bite into on your own and so it makes for an excellent idea to collaborate on. I know that for me Simple Line 7 was the first collab I ever saw, and I still think it's one of the best movies on the site, it totally inspired me to want to make a random FBF piece, just took awhile to have the proper skills and relationships to get it done.

Seriously just like me,

Some people do, so love them... I think it's like that with all the types of Flash movies around here. Collab haters or whatever are more obvious now, but I think that's just because collabs are so obvious now.

Yeah, it still just annoys me, that I see some reviews that hate the collab for its collab part, but I know, something I have to live with.

At first I didn't find collab topics any problem, but I can see why people want to stop them, but no, hell no to a collab forum, thats the simple, cheap and stupidest way out.

Flash forum is for collabs, and really, to be honest, unless the person making the topic has no idea on what to do, or anything like that sort of thing, then they should be locked and maybe banned for being stupid and spamming against new collab rules, but if people can make the thing, then it's up to the portal voters to put them in there place


Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-11 14:15:22

ok, these colabs are out of control

i cant get no danm help, others i have seen are not getting good help either

these colabs really need to go some here else or somthing.......

i was in 3, it was cool to pass some time and take a break from my main projects, but shit i stoped counting at 12 colabs on the first page of the flash forum..

i like the rule made, i couldnt imagine the how many there would be with out it..
but its still crazy, and i dont see it slowing down..

Drawing without thinking is just doodling, the brain and pen is connected.

PSN: SeoulSnake

BBS Signature

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-12 09:42:27

At 7/10/05 08:53 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: So where are all the collabs that have been submitted?


Please tell me which I missed.

And My 2 collabs, Red & Black and Red, White & Blue

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-12 11:12:03

Guys, I'll let you all start collabs at forums.glaielgames.com if you want to. NO requirements, ok?

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-12 11:22:21

At 7/12/05 10:58 AM, spikemcruffy wrote: I think that there could be a much better way to create collabs other than the NG forums. Im still working on that...

Thing is, I DO think that the NG Flash Forum IS the right place for collab threads, and from what Tom said on AOTS, he thinks it's a good thing. The problem lies in the sheer quantity of them - as mentioned before, AS and animation question threads are being pushed off the first page too quickly.
I guess one way to deal with it would be for a few users to get together and organise an 'official' off-site collab forum (using a free forum such as http://www.invisionfree.com/), where people interested in running/participating in a collab.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-12 11:27:51

At 7/12/05 11:10 AM, spikemcruffy wrote: OK this is completely unfair, I made a well orginised collab and just because the rules changed it gets deleted. I thought that having 1 Flash made I could actually make a Collab , but no it gets thrown back at my face because I have to be even Fucking better now...

I don't want to be fascist about this, but I DO want to act in the best interests of ALL Flash forum users. When it's getting to the stage where at times, 60+% of the first page is collabs, then I think it's gone too far. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what liljim's thoughts were on this subject, but suffice it to say that you wouldn't be happy if you'd read them.

At 7/12/05 11:12 AM, Glaiel_Gamer wrote: Guys, I'll let you all start collabs at forums.glaielgames.com if you want to. NO requirements, ok?

lol, that's what happens when you leave the room for 10 minutes before pressing 'post'. Well, if your bandwidth can handle it, I for one would really appreciate it.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-12 13:23:30

10 second showcase too

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-12 13:27:15

At 7/12/05 11:27 AM, Denvish wrote:
At 7/12/05 11:12 AM, Glaiel_Gamer wrote: Guys, I'll let you all start collabs at forums.glaielgames.com if you want to. NO requirements, ok?
lol, that's what happens when you leave the room for 10 minutes before pressing 'post'. Well, if your bandwidth can handle it, I for one would really appreciate it.

Well, it might be my domain, but it is mostly (except the images) hosted on invisionfree. I ought to start a forum there for collabs. So, n00b collabs here. Should I make a seperate topic?

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-12 13:29:12


And there's the link to the collab forum.

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-12 13:47:48

Uggg... triple post. Denvish, I think this would be better than my forum.
NG Collabs
That way we can have admins and mods specifically for the collabs. Well? I'm pretty good with invisionfree so what do you think?

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-12 13:54:08

Yes i am outraged with all these collabs...i was part of the element collab....i had worked soooooo hard and had tons of frame by frame animation....and the leader (FURY-X...bastard) just gave up all of a sudden....XO....i had done so much for something that would never be...yes i have no flash in the forum...but that is because i have focus probs with animating...but that time i was hyped and focused and excited about the element collab...and then the person who started it threw it away...only ppl who can be trusted should start collabs...

omg yay pankakes =)

BBS Signature

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-13 04:57:50

At 7/12/05 11:27 AM, Denvish wrote: Unfortunately, I can't tell you what liljim's thoughts were on this subject, but suffice it to say that you wouldn't be happy if you'd read them.

I'll assume they might have something to do with a collab forum? That would be a shame if that's the case, it just seems to be building up each day. It makes me wonder if it won't just become a collab forum of it's own accord, with a few flash questions here and there. 16 on the first page at the moment... 16.

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-13 05:05:50

At 7/12/05 01:54 PM, -Terence- wrote: Yes i am outraged with all these collabs...i was part of the element collab....i had worked soooooo hard and had tons of frame by frame animation....and the leader (FURY-X...bastard) just gave up all of a sudden

Maybe you should make a Collab combining all of the flashes from cancelled collabs. :P

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-13 05:08:13

I suggested this idea in the Wi/Ht, but saw no reply on it (well not that you're allowed to reply but yeah).

Folders for forums. General forum could have had a folder for themed sigs threads, it should have for photoshop me/this, etc.
Flash should have a folder for collabs.

A folder just opens by clicking it once and you just see like a another forum but a section inside it with all the related topics.
It will look like a windows XP folder with NG on it with a different design or something whatever.

BBS Signature

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-13 08:28:25

Entire site for collabs

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-13 14:10:21

Is it ok if each time I see a collab that the author doesn't have a flash, I will post my pwn pic and say i'm locking this topic, then a mod will lock it and won't write anything and everyone will think i'm a mod? XD

BBS Signature

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-18 06:22:07

If you want to make a collab, I highly suggest practicing more with flash yourself. Try combining your own flas and linking them with buttons, to see how a collab works. Read up on some tutorials, make some good flash. Submit solo. Collabs ARE NOT your ticket to instant fame and success.

Okay, I have a legitimate question. I am trying to start a collab project, but not for the purpose of instant fame and success. I am interested in creating an audio collab that shows the music community that newgrounds is an excellent place for musicians to get their work heard and used. We are looking to get one flash artist to do the visual work and the rest is purely audio. As to the part about "practing more with flash," I am not a programmer. I am a musician and I am not the least inclined to learn to write flash so that I will be allowed to do an audio collab. Please understand that I am not trying to be rude, I am just frustrated at this news and would like a chance to do an audio collab (assuming that it hasn't been done yet) as I have found that newgrounds is an excellent outlet for my talent as a musician and for developing myself and skills as a composer. Please email me a responce (preferred) or reply back.

If anyone else reading knows who I can talk to about this, I would appreciate someone telling me. Thank you.

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-21 02:44:27

I posted this in another thread, thought I'd post it here on the off chance that someone might read it and be influenced to do something different.

How about people start thinking of original ideas for collaborations instead of choosing a song with no running theme whatsoever and crossing their fingers that enough good animators will join so they win an award? A lack of originality is what will kill (kills) any art movement. Imagine if every musician wrote acoustic folk songs. You'd get bored, very bored. Innovation is da bomb, let us move on from this and see what we can do to make collaborations come alive rather than stagnate.

</hopefully motivational>

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-21 03:04:25

At 7/21/05 02:44 AM, AGH wrote: How about people start thinking of original ideas for collaborations

I actually thought of that, and I didn't just randomly picked the song for my collab <.<

yes, secret

BBS Signature

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-21 06:35:54

I think this post need to be pinned at the top, like the rules n' stuff. It seems no matter what the mods do, the n00bs making the collab threads don't get it. they must think the mods don't like the idea or somthing, not that there not good enough to start one.

BBS Signature

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-22 16:39:57

At 7/22/05 04:32 PM, Evil_Marksmanship wrote:
At 7/13/05 08:28 AM, Glaiel_Gamer wrote: Entire site for collabs
http://www.ngcollabs.com Is it not?

they both lead to the same place
also www.collabgrounds.com

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-22 16:41:38

At 7/22/05 04:39 PM, Glaiel_Gamer wrote: also www.collabgrounds.com

nevermind, i guess it was shut down or something.

.dang double posting........................

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-22 16:50:05

This thread needs to auto-bump itself : )

BBS Signature

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-22 16:54:16

At 7/18/05 06:22 AM, Cpt_Nemo wrote:
If you want to make a collab, I highly suggest practicing more with flash yourself. Try combining your own flas and linking them with buttons, to see how a collab works. Read up on some tutorials, make some good flash. Submit solo. Collabs ARE NOT your ticket to instant fame and success.
Okay, I have a legitimate question. I am trying to start a collab project, but not for the purpose of instant fame and success. I am interested in creating an audio collab that shows the music community that newgrounds is an excellent place for musicians to get their work heard and used. We are looking to get one flash artist to do the visual work and the rest is purely audio. As to the part about "practing more with flash," I am not a programmer. I am a musician and I am not the least inclined to learn to write flash so that I will be allowed to do an audio collab. Please understand that I am not trying to be rude, I am just frustrated at this news and would like a chance to do an audio collab (assuming that it hasn't been done yet) as I have found that newgrounds is an excellent outlet for my talent as a musician and for developing myself and skills as a composer. Please email me a responce (preferred) or reply back.

If anyone else reading knows who I can talk to about this, I would appreciate someone telling me. Thank you.

Well, a flash collab isn't going anywhere unless you have a flash artist. Not to rain on your parade, but most flash artists become flash artists to realize their own creations.

You said you're only looking for one artist... You could make a thread on that. It's not a collab really, well, not a collab by today's standards. Collabs by today's standards are to get as many artists as possible crammed into one file making random pieces of shit, justified by their co-existence with each other. Well, not all. but close :p

Anyways just make a thread asking for a flash artist, don't mention anything about collabs. Give samples of your music. Although there's no guarantees, like I said, most flash artists like to work on their own stuff

BBS Signature

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-25 00:37:54

Well thank you for replying. Unfortunately I did post a thread about it using the words collab here. I did run into some tension from other newgrounds members, but fortunately the thread is still alive. Please post another reply if you would like to add anything else. Thanks again. ^_^

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-25 02:54:19

ok i want to get this clear (if anyone asked this in one of the other pages and its already been answered sorry) aaaaanyways how about if we dont have any flashes in can we still join a collab i know it doesnt say you cant on the first post (for this specific thing but it doesnt say you can eiter) just want to get this clear im probably going to be submiting a flash soon anyways but still i wanna know

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-25 03:17:47

At 7/25/05 02:54 AM, gants wrote: ok i want to get this clear (if anyone asked this in one of the other pages and its already been answered sorry) aaaaanyways how about if we dont have any flashes in can we still join a collab i know it doesnt say you cant on the first post (for this specific thing but it doesnt say you can eiter) just want to get this clear im probably going to be submiting a flash soon anyways but still i wanna know

Joining collabs is fine for anyone, you just can't start one until you fit the requirements.

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-28 01:16:44

At 7/28/05 01:11 AM, OrangeOwnage wrote: thanks your beautiful soul - im so tired of the shitloads of collabs

u know i've just recently seen your posts, and there getting rapidly annoying, such as, posting in nearly finished collabs, that you don't like the lyrics, wtf, but watever, yes Afro Ninja rocks, but don't need to post things like that alright dude, sorry if it seems i'm yelling...

A Girl in A Room Halloween Collaboration II -Join Now!-

BBS Signature

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-28 01:18:10

I've always like collabs, I mean its like when you get on a stage with a bunch of people. If its just you up there its harder to do, with a bunch of friends its easier, same with to collab. I mean you shouldn't sole make collabs.

Response to About the collab threads 2005-07-28 01:20:24

At 7/28/05 01:18 AM, Tordeck wrote: I mean you shouldn't sole make collabs.

Exactly, just make sole movies instead :p

BBS Signature