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00:00 1 9 9 X - That Synth
03:36 Metro - Twin (199x remix)
09:02 1 9 9 X - Sandwich De Melon
15:32 Ben Japon - Sólo Nos Queda Decirlo
19:38 1 9 9 X - Tercer Día

That Synth:
Home, waiting for a friend to come by, the idea was to make a song together so in the meantime I thought I'd do some warm up production and did this tempo accelerating beat with a very fat sidechained syntheziser. Yes, the name is referring to that synth, bitwig's factory polysynth, a very solid digital instrument I've grown fond of.
I did play this song once as a an opening piece and the reception was okay, I think what the song has in coolness lacks in story telling, still, the presence of bass and guitar recordings makes it likeable on a rocker scene hangout.

Had spent a whole day making muzak and was about to call it a day when I get a facebook message from a fellow dj showing me his latest track and asking me to collaborate with a remix. I didn't think it twice and proceeded to download the samples with his mediafire link. Unsurpisingly, the fact that that I'd been producing all day made it really easy for me to make the track and overcome any obstacles, for example, there was this recurrent upbeat synth sample in which I just couldn't figure out the key so the song is kind of a trial and error sequence of arrangements till I figured it out, it was C, duh. So in some way this song it's like listening to a story of overcoming obstacles and learning from your mistakes.

Melon Sandwich:
Yum, I'm not sure what I was aiming for when I did the first part but I left the file lying there for about two years till I forced myself to finish it. The main problem here was that the track was monochromatic and dull, the same minimal-surfer bassline and a reggeaton-ish beat going on and on for about 3 minutes till it changes to a bassline that sounds remarkably similar to the one in Lipps Inc's Funky Town. Again, I was brain dead about this one but I had just recently watched a video of an eight year old kid struggling to finish a sentence, the stuttering made it very percussive so I put two and two together and threw it into the mix and that was the kick off I needed to add the missing pieces, including the melody from Funky Town and the thunder sounding synth-line at the end. Voilá, Melon Sandwich, sounds exactly the way it tastes, layered and slightly odd.

Sólo Nos Queda Decirlo:
Meaning "now it's just a matter of saying it" and yes, this referrs to a real story with a friend girl or girlfriend (you know what I mean). So she and I had been hitting it off, we we're both interested in electronic-music production and had been partying together for some time now. I started wondering, what if? It felt like the bridge between us had been paved thoroughly and it was just a matter of spelling it out. But of course, instead of saying it I made a song and showed it to her, the results were not what I expected at all but still, I ended up with a new composition. I like the clashing contrast of sounds, it's very theatrical; there's this throbbing and clumsy bassline that opposes to a kind and sweet sounding melody. It yells sexual tension.

Tercer Día:
I'm not gonna lie here, this song wasn't originally made for this podcast, it belongs to the score of a college project short film featuring rendered images of a 3D model. The task at hand was to find a suitable sound for each texture on the animation. Even though I'm unflattered to say that all the samples were made by omnisphere's preset library it's a very mature ambient track with a strong visual quality. Give it a try, close your eyes and see what you get.

The first step on the artwork consisted on a circus cannon with wheels, yes, it was a very vague idea and i wasn't sure where I was heading with it compared to last editin with the number 23 movie, but something great happened while I was UV unwrapping the cylinder for the cannon, my linux desktop went haywire and crashed leaving a heavily glitched screen, I immediately print screen'd that image. It looked extremely abstract like a modern painting in a museum and I fell in love with it but it looked nothing like my original idea! I decided to use it as a cover art but still finish the circus cannon and use it for this video .

24 ended up being really colourful but compact and stable in intensity.

Feeling generous? Check my soundcloud:

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Mar 26, 2019
1:12 PM EDT
File Info
61.6 MB
26 min 55 sec

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You may only use this piece for commercial purposes if your work is a web-based game or animation, otherwise you must make specific arrangements with the artist.