This is good! The percussion here works, I wouldn't change anything about that. I think you had the best atmosphere at 53s. I also like the left-panned reverbed synth that comes in at 1:14, the little background elements definitely add some 'aesthetic'. Did you use izotope Vinyl for the vinyl simulation? If not, definitely check it out.
I think something you could work on is the 'communication' between your elements. Like the percussion and the low-mid bass I think have good communication because they both create a good rhythm together. The first lead synth, the bells and arp that come in seem to work with each other, but not with the underlying rhythm established by the low-mid bass and percussion. Also I would try pitching the little 'ahhh' vowel somewhere else just because it sounds dissonant and no elements after that seem to complement that dissonance (so don't get me wrong, dissonance can definitely work in some situations). Also of the spaces you created after that I think are fine, and very true to what vaporwave is.
Keep it up my dude!