Heyo, Retroman. Good to see you got a complete song this time! time for your complete review, open wide. :)
Stuff that's great:
- Right away, 8-bit sound is awesome. Super retroman, lol.
- I remember these drums back from Mass Extinction years ago. They're really well-done and quite tasty-sounding.
- 1:22 - 8-BITMUNCHED BREAKBEAT. That's awesome, super happy with that.
- Episodic composition is neat, and I can hear the differences in each section fairly clearly.
Stuff that can be improved:
- As I listen through this, I am struck by how the main lead is really not that good with the release tail. It feels slippery and is hard to really get into any melody it plays.
- Speaking of melodies, while you have some good phrases they aren't really put together into any kind of coherent melody for the piece. Each episode has its own melody which is okay, but very forgettable.
- One other thing contributing to the whole thing is just the emptiness of the mix. It seems like the piece's mix is set up to work around the breakbeat drums, rather than to be a full mix. I'm only counting three instruments aside from drums - bass, and two higher waveforms. For comparison, check out X-ray's "Zizibum" for a really neat and lush 8-bit soundscape.
You know, I think Zizibum is a great comparison for this piece and does a lot of what you're trying to do - but a bit better overall. (aside from the breakbeat stuff, that stuff you have nailed down super hard) Perhaps a good thing to look into for improvement - with a bit more filling out, your 8-bit stuff would be really neat!