== This is an official NGUAC Review ==
Mini-scores (not used to calculate final score in any way - just so you know what needs improvement):
Wow yea vocal song! Your vocals are pretty good for the most part, though I have to say that every now and then there's a word that you don't quite sing with the same force or that is slightly out of tune (like "do" in the first line), but overall your vocal quality is high and sounds great! The mix is still kind of weird, even though you said that you remastered this one - it has a lot of highs and the bass seems rather disproportionate. (Also the drum kit is pretty hard to hear.)
If I were to give advice to improve this song, I'd probably head in the direction of composition. While the composition definitely isnt /bad/, it kinda just... fell flat? Like it didn't really stand out or anything. It's hard to say why, part of it could simply be that it's hard to hear the chord progression and how it lines up with the vocals.
Arrangement: 3+/4
Composition: 2+/4
Sound Design: 3/4
Production: 2+/4
Overall: 8.0