GOLD! Great! Classic!
This is the one of those summer vibes, but a little less.
It's now more something else, that i can not name.
Weird feeling.
Generally... awesome.
In detail...
Sorry, but the instrument (i should find a name for this
coz You used it so much in million ways and it is so
important, so i don't have to locate it for You every time)
that comes in at [00:15] is too loud... i know that the
theme before was supposed to be background, but when
i want to listen to it, i know that this instrument will go in
and blow my eardrums, if i don't turn down the volume...
Then at the rest, background is barely hearable... or...
there is no BG whatsoever and i am being completely
placebo'ed by myself. XD
Most importantly, it's enjoyable!