*fan girl scream* omg u are AWSOME i couldnt find the real song anywhere but who needs it remixes from ng are always epic
From the Valkyrie Profile and Star Ocean Games
*fan girl scream* omg u are AWSOME i couldnt find the real song anywhere but who needs it remixes from ng are always epic
Oh my god, I love you.
I've been waiting to find a remix of this on Newgrounds for so long! Thank you, thank you!!!
Still my top choice from the entire portal.
I really don't understand why this isn't higher. It's simply one of the best remixes to be found on this site. Perhaps Valkyrie Profile is too unknown or perhaps this is one of many victims of the legions of trolls who vote zero on everything. Whatever the case, know that you've done something special with this track, something I find in regrettably few remixes and original songs in general.
I love this theme It's a shame it wasn't in part 2 of valkyrie profile though... it's also in Radiata Stories
Like it
Good work. The amount of VP/SO music here is alarmingly low and it troubles me.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.