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I can already smell the reviews i am going to get which is either "GOOD LORD DID YOU MASTER THIS WITH A FUCKING POTATO?!" or "OMG SO MUCH HI FREQUENCY THAT ITS BLOWING UP MY EARS!!", or even "DUDE MY MOM MIXES BETTER THAN THIS". But whatever. I slightly kind of don't care since i wanted to make some trance.

But yeah i personally think i did REALLY bad with the mastering on this. Like, this probably is my worst piece mastering wise. It is mainly because well...when i make trance music, it is REALLY hard for me to NOT go absolutely nuts with detail. Its my inner trance crying out to make something amazing like some of the proffesionals but i shouldn't even be attempting that because of the sounds they pull off are ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE FOR NON PROFESSIONALS TO PULL OFF.

Like there is one i know that has alot of reverb but yet it stays so clean. How the fuck does one do that? Jesus christ.

Anyway i already know some obvious ones like turn down some of the high frequencies, lower the reverb, and get rid of that arp. I really wanted to experiment with making my own sounds though since that is what i want to do more often. And that arp was an example of something i designed.

So if you are going to say "hey this track is terrible" in the review, i already know that.

Also the title is terrible because i had NO ideas on what to call this song. So i just went with something random.

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ArcaneSoul responds:

Thank you so much XD

I cant explain how i love this. Its just awesome.

ArcaneSoul responds:

Thank you kind sir :3

Love it, and take it from a fellow trance producer. I know it's hard but keep on working and you one day will sound like a professional producer. This sounds great, and i agree with mastering not being the best, and the mixing not being the most awesome ever. But it does it's job, this song gives me a happy warm feeling, and that is what trance is about, feelings.
Keep it up man, and don't try to beat yourself by saying it's bad. Because it's not. It's good!

ArcaneSoul responds:

Thank you <3

listening to the song while writing:

Man one thing your opening got me thinking about was baseline. Like, no one cares if you're doing something fancy down there, although repetition is sometimes nice. THATS WHAT SHE SAID. but what i mean is, just repeating the root note on beat generally works fine, definitely no one's going to call you out for that. but if you write a really nice bass melody it's really easy for it to get buried or just make the song sound screwed up. maybe it's a mastering thing?

anyway i agree that mastering is really difficult, why can't FL just do all the work for me!!! but I think it's very important to be aware that you have problems (and aware of where they are) as a first step. there was a point when i was writing music (and by point i mean '10 years') where i had no idea i had mastering issues at all until someone pointed it out.

i was actually starting to wonder where the problems with mastering even occur, im at 6:00 now and things sound ok. I guess you are referring to the bits around 7:00 where we have these high end pad-sounding things? maybe that's your problem, usually you don't want to have pads fill the high end...

finished, restarting:

i feel like you were maybe a little to harsh on yourself in the comments, the mastering is pretty good, and certainly better than myself (my solution to muddled sounds is to remove instruments until it sounds better :P). i feel like it's important to be able to assess your own stuff well, or you can be like me and think that literally every one of your pieces is your best ever. :D WOW im talking about myself a lot in this review. stoping now. i really enjoy the first time the beat breaks out, it's all very clean.

now my usual criticism, im sure you saw this coming from a mile away, it's just like you telling me i need more diversity of instruments - there's no real lead motif here. no strong melody really jumps out. almost everything just follows the chord progressions you lay down, really. once i get a sense of your chord prog via those vocals at 6:00, i really enjoy it, there's a lot of potential there. i guess the 6:30 synth is a lead, but it's so comparatively quiet for a lead instrument, i dunno, maybe want to raise the volume on him.

hey that instrument in the background at 5:18 sounds really cool.

ok that was a really long review, i think it was just because i decided to listen to the song twice while typing and the song was super long. anyway. keep working on melodies :p cool stuff.

ArcaneSoul responds:

Yeah i kinda do beat myself sometimes. I want to be able to get to this level of trance where the artists just make them like massive soundscapes. But its hard for someone who A: STILL doesn't know what to do when hes eqing, B: REALLY needs to work on sound design.

The melodies were just kinda random btw sadly. I feel like i am really failing at the melodies. Like i remember there was a point during my early days i used to make some weird chord progression and melodies. AND I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE ANY MUSICAL KNOWLEDGE! But now.....it has just been all going downhill.

I really do need help from you sometime because i wanna make amazing melodies! Hell this was going to be my 7th album track but due to the feel i gave it, i didn't (note the 7th track has to have a sad tone).

respect. high quality track. whats with the info beating urself up tho?? anyway im not too much of a trance fan but this was quite pleasant. some poor choices in my opinion about that piano melody/the transition thing at 225 to 239 it was kind of awk. anyway i definitely enjoyed this track nice work

ArcaneSoul responds:

really? To me......bah i geuss that is how my hearing work. Whenver i hear a perfect track in my mind i hear people say its poor mixing. Whenver i THINK a track is bad though, im completely wrong XD

Yeah the melodies on this were really lazy. I need to work on them alot.

Credits & Info


4.22 / 5.00

Sep 27, 2012
4:42 AM EDT
File Info
10.9 MB
7 min 58 sec

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Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.