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This is a simple piano piece i made thinking about somebody who came home after a long time, memories that belong to that place long gone.

A soldier who lost his family walks true that door closed behind years ago with anger...
Could never say good bye to who he loved neither at war neither home...
Still he touches an old table covered with dirt and smiles..
tears come down as memories covers his pain...
memories of the moments shared with his loved ones at that table...
with closed eyes he remember his home as it was a long time ago...
then he opened those eyes to see a house ruined, bombed, destroyed...
His only wish is to exchange his life with those who lost they're lives there...
But he can't, he lives and curses life, curses war, curses himself...
He sits on the half broken stair and watches down seeing a piece of mirror...
he see himself and wish this never came, filled with anger filled with sorrow...
But then this is all what remains, other memories hidden inside...
The soldier rebuilded that house finding day by day, brick by brick new memories untill it's done.


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I feel sad yet happy when I hear this I like that feeling good job!

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Waiting for 2 more votes

Nov 18, 2011
4:52 PM EST
File Info
5.6 MB
3 min 5 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.