I like the vocabulary to describe HOW GREAT THIS IS, but trust me, this is some of the best classical music I have heard, so great that I am comparing you to Philip Glass and Gustav Mahler
This is my first shot on classical music -though this piece isn't exactly classical music- and I wanted you guys to tell me if I'm going into the right direction.
I always dreamed avout composing classical music, so I need as much advice as possible^^
I like the vocabulary to describe HOW GREAT THIS IS, but trust me, this is some of the best classical music I have heard, so great that I am comparing you to Philip Glass and Gustav Mahler
I'm greatful my work did well up te now.
And I'm impressed, that someone compares me to such idols as Glass od Mahler.
Thx a lot^^
It's Great!
I want to hear more!
I guess it'll be done within the next week^^
Long Live Longevity
Very nice for a first shot a Classical. Just make it a whole bunch longer and build it up or something. Also use some effects like the guy below me said.
As said to "the guy below" ^^
its cool
You kinda have your own unique style for classical music. its cool :)
You might want to fool around with the attack knobs and decay, everythings in your hands
That'll help^^
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.