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Remix of classic tune.
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not bad!

I really like the bass and the synth! nice job!

Sumiyaka responds:

Thank you :)

i like this

i would say the only thing you need are better samples mate. I could instantly hear that Demo projects effect... Cyberbird i think :P

Anyway, decent melody and good idea for the whole thing!

Nice bass however!

8/10 5/5

Sumiyaka responds:

Thanks for the review

It's not cyber bird but I get what you're saying


Very dancey. haha. You had an unusual chord progression for dance, it sounds a little more trancey, but the saw you used made it dancey. Good bassline, i like the reverb on the kick, and that sub-melody that came in around 1:00.

THis was good, but it's title doesn't really fit it. Doesn't really seem like quest music to meh. lol.

Anyways, good job on this. Downloaded.

Sumiyaka responds:

haha thanks for the review.

i can see this music as some kind of journey? quest to find something.

lol i want to make a music video xD!!!

Credits & Info


Waiting for 1 more vote

Aug 6, 2009
2:07 AM EDT
File Info
4.7 MB
4 min 7 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.