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Author Comments

I think this is my best work yet. Enjoy!

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Aight its me again so scream all you want it is inevitable that you will receive a less then perfect score on this song. because after all, nothing is perfect. that's why I'm here! this song intrigued me because i just couldn't figure out what it ment. The meaning of each letter was intriguing enough but what was the most confusing at all is that THERE'S NO DOT AFTER THE LETTER F!!!! WHAT THE F DOES IT MEAN!?!?!?!? (and yes the pun was intended) HEY I GOT A GREAT IDEA!!! Too try something new that i think youl love, for each section I'm gonna put points. It makes my job a lot harder but it really does add a big plus doesn't it.

The entry: 4/10
This is a classic techno entry: nothing particular about it. in fact there's pretty much nothing too it. Really straight forward shit. No effects no nothing but witch doesn't really matter anyway in this song because it builds up fast.maybe doing a fade in for the synth would of been a good idea tho...

The melody: 7/10
I'm sorry to say there's nothing really ground braking here either but the way the synth hovers so carelessly between major and minor gives it a kind of futuristic feel to it... in a way. the bass synth is good but nothing to get worked up about.

The rhythme: 6/10 well i kinda counts...
yeah it's basic techno stuff. but you know what? i don't even know why I'm reviewing this in a techno song because the basic is exactly what you need: paying too much attention to the rhythm changes the genre completely.

The ending: 8/10 but doesn't count for shit
I have to say the ending is really good: i really loved the fade out effect but once again, it doesnt really count for shit... sorry...

Just throw it in the blender: 6/10
sorry but i have to disagree; this is really not your best work. although it doesn't really fail at delivering, it fails at something else: being original.

Note: i don't take reviews lightly: i do my best to give a fare review giving as much of my personal opinions as i give general knowledge of music that i have gained after years of studying music of all genres.
P.S. stay fresh! cya next time.

got any questions? Or just want to have a meaningless conversation? email me at aliaspharow@hotmail.com

MmmCake responds:

lol, thanks for the review!! :D:D

yeah this isn't anything good at all, i was just playing around with new sounds n stuff as i was getting new vst's. when i made this, however, it was the best (now, far from it).


It sounds very disorganized. None of the melodies really match up to me. The panning was way overdone, it sounded out of tune, and it was fairly repetitive. The only good things I can really say are that the choices of synth were good and the mastering is great. If you made everything a bit more in tune and make everything fit, this song would be great in general.

Rigid straight

general techno, nothing terribly wrong here, but nothing gets me off. If you can make stuff that is mastered this well but changes my thinking of this style of music, well, that would make you a superstar....not on this one though. Good work none the less. I love you llooll, ima review the dude's stuff below me, it better be good.


Very well done, i like the melody and the introduction. Go check out my music, any reviews and stuff are much appreciated...i dont get many. :D

Credits & Info


Waiting for 1 more vote

Jul 10, 2009
11:08 PM EDT
File Info
2.8 MB
3 min 6 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.