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Sheep Kill (Live From the Basement: 2022-07-31)


Author Comments

Download: https://nerveshack.bandcamp.com/album/live-from-the-basement-2022-07-31

"This is a recording of a rough jam session at the end of July.

The setup was simple: one microphone on the floor in front of the black, leather chair you see in the video, and Ryan's vocal mic being recorded separately. That's it. I then tried my hardest to mix and master it into something semi listenable, which proved a hard but fun challenge. Afterwards, I just synced the audio with the video and added title cards. That's about it.

If you can't tell, Next To Shame and Star Gaze were very improvised as they were brand new and had not been practiced a lot at the time of this recording. Still a lot of fun regardless."

- Aiden

The video was recorded in 1080p, but exported in 4K to circumvent YouTube's compression algorithm as much as possible.


Released August 1, 2022

Nerve Shack is:

Ryan Kelly - Vocals, Rhythm Guitar

Oliver Quinton - Lead Guitar

Aiden Osmond - Drums

(Attempted) Mixing - Aiden Osmond

(Attempted) Mastering - Aiden Osmond

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Waiting for 4 more votes

Oct 12, 2023
10:27 AM EDT
File Info
6.7 MB
2 min 56 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.