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Wicked Fascinations - Circus Contraptions (DavJT Remix)

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You're a creative mastermind as always, Dav! Keep it up!

not bad

This is awesome! I love the creepy vibes

This is beyond excellent.

Despite most of this song maintaining it's eerie vibe, I love how some parts of this song are actually pretty, and somewhat peaceful (no pun intended). Despite this supposed peacefulness beginning at about 00:50, the song eventually pauses before opening up (at 1:33) into what I can only describe as a bizarre and epic reflection of the original track's melody. I can honestly image this remix being used in an actual, high budget movie. The choir singing is a nice touch, and only adds to the orchestral feel of the track. However, I feel that the song is a bit disconnected from itself in some places. Although it may be argued that the final momentary pause (at 2:11) adds to the mysteriousness, I personally find it a bit jarring and unnecessary. A fade, or even a slight ambience between the two sections would have been fine (like at 0:47). Regardless, it's a stylistic choice and I respect it, as it ultimately doesn't affect the song on any major level. All in all, I find this song both beautiful and creepy, and it is that delicate and paradoxical balance between beauty and creepiness that I find truly fascinating.

I didn't like the fact that it didn't have a drop but i loved everything

Credits & Info

4.74 / 5.00

Apr 23, 2023
3:28 PM EDT
Video Game
File Info
7 MB
3 min 4 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.