I like the rhythmic content at the beginning. The instrument at the beginning itself sounds a bit muddy and distorted, but the pads at :07 are nice. The bass and the lead synth at :23 are tripping over each other a bit - just very different emphases in the rhythms they’re playing. I like the tambourine at :38 and the more melodic synth line there too. The extended pause at :56 is a bit awkward, but I like the furtive synth line that comes after it at :59. The synth at 1:13 sounds a bit harsh - maybe you could use an equalizer to filter out some of the treble-range frequencies? I like how you brought the piece full-circle at the end with the second refrain at 1:37, and the added melodies at 1:52 are a nice touch. During the section at 1:52, it’s a little hard to make out the drums and bass in the mix. You might try adding a compressor to the drums and eliminating the bass frequencies (200 Hertz and lower) in the melodic instruments. Overall, this is a cute piece with some nice compositional elements - you clearly have a good sense of harmony, rhythm, and progression. That said, the sound design is a bit cheesy, and the mix sounds pretty quiet and indistinct at times. Still, I think the piece has a great charm about it, and I hope you keep working on it. Keep at it, MaskHeroe! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score