Really well made! Very consistent theme throughout, but it doesn't get too repetitive.
Hey y'all! This is the fifth song in my new album, and it's an epic cinematic adventure song.
I hope you like it!
Previous songs in the album:
Here's my other account where I make electronic music: Benji-G
Discord server:
Really well made! Very consistent theme throughout, but it doesn't get too repetitive.
I appreciate it, thank you!
sounds like a trailer for some medieval movie
I definitely wanted to go for a medieval feel! I'm glad you feel that way man!
Very well made and orchestrated! It definitely sounds very epic and impactful, with a lot of rising tension all the way till the end. Reminds me a little of castle crashers for some reason haha. I love the different variations you have within the song even though it's mostly the same motif, it's very creative. Great work, keep it up :D
Thank you very much for your nice comment! I greatly appreciate it! :)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.