simply incredible, practically the same as the first dimrain47 songs, one question. What are the sounds you used?
Lost Dimrain47's song(kidding of course) inspired by huge & boundless battlespaces from Serious Sam game series.
simply incredible, practically the same as the first dimrain47 songs, one question. What are the sounds you used?
Impressive for being only 70 views!
Sounds awesome! What snare did you use for the drum roll starting at around 0:11? Also, whats that Distant sound effect called at 0:01? I cant find it in FL.. I see its called like "DISTANT" or something in your recreation videos.. but cant find it.. whats the name of it?
Totally great, for me it sounds like a perfect soundtrack for an epic minecraft battle. Please, PLEASE don't judge yourself by the amount of listens or votes - don't know about others, but I check newgrounds once a week in the evening in hopes to find something new in my feed. Your music just makes my day and I want more!
Hell yeah bro, this is totally rad!!!!
You may only use this piece for commercial purposes if your work is a web-based game or animation, otherwise you must make specific arrangements with the artist.