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Opening The Eye of Experience

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Where do I begin. First of all holy fucking shit. I never intended this to happen at all. Ever. I mean holy fuck. 30 Minutes. 30 FUCKING MINUTES OF MUSIC.

Ok now with my shock out of the way. On with the second last chapter of this story. Because of the length of the song, unlike the others which could be easily explained with one act. This one is split into many.

Picking up where this left off:

Act I: Mourning a dying new friend.

00:00 - 14:30

As it turns out the two shots were meant for the Thief and The Woman in Black. However in a unique turn of events, The Thief, true to his occupation stole the bullet meant for the Woman in Black. The Mysterious Nazi, wanted to kill he first, because she comes from a long bloodline of an old Israeli family, Christian, Judaism and Muslim respectfully. Making her "Juden" in his eyes. She was after the eye because she was tasked to return it to it's resting place. Where it was found in Rome. When she asked the thief why he'd risk his life when he could have just grabbed the eye and run. To which he says "To kill for it, is natural. To die for it, is Divine. To die....for you.....is a privilege....I would do a 1000 times and 1000 lifetimes. Thank you for showing me I could be more than just a common exceptional thief." He passes out. Not dead, but will die in a matter of hours. The Good News, is they found the resting place. The Great News it's in Vatican City. The better news is it's not too far from when they took out the goon squad.

14:37 - 18:19

Act II: Journey to The Resting Place.

Forced to take them both, The Mysterious Nazi, forces the dying thief and the Woman in Black. While they trek to Vatican city, The Woman in Black works actively to try to keep her friend alive. While at the same time, get as much information as she could from their foe. She knew asking for medical help would be a waste of time, so she asked him the first obvious question. "Why do you want the Eye?" The man unmasks himself revealing himself to be a 60 year old Austrian Man. He is the son of Heinrich Himmler. One of the most highest ranking Nazis next to Adolf himself and the main Architect of the Holocaust. As well as one of the main founders of the sect the Nazis tasks to look for religious and occult related artifacts in hopes their power or fear of their power would make them invincible. Himmler Jr., doesn't care for the eye's powers. He just wants to see if they work in hope to use the channel to God's Omnipotence, they'd find a way to bring Adolf back and start World War III. They bring them to Vatican City. The Thief and The Woman in Black are in restraints. Himmler Jr. is about to open The Eye of Experience.

18:20 - 27:00

Act III: The Eye is Open

Strapped to chairs and eyes forced open with clamps, the Thief and The Woman In Black are forced to stare into the Eye as it opens. Himmler Jr. Not missing an opportunity to witness first hand an occult artifact working. He couldn't help himself but stare to. All three were thrust into a world of solitude at first. With only the Eye's bell as sound. A recurring instrument throughout this entire album. Then a pleasant sensation. As if all three are immersed in the good side of Experience. Life, Love, Pleasures, Hungers, Happiness, Joy. Billions of years of these positive emotions and more turning a hardened thief, the descendent and even the angry bitter old kraut into kids again, in a way. However as they continue to stare into the eye. Things don't seem right. The Thief and the Woman in Black try to stare away from it. Even showing compassion and begging Himmler Jr. to look away. However, Himmler Jr. was too engrossed by the sensations that he didn't listen. Even when slight feelings of unease and fear seeping in. The beginning of the negative side of experience. Himmler Jr. was already beginning to shake, but the worst was yet to come. All they could do is sit and watch. Knowing the worst is yet to come.

27:01 - 29:15:

Act IV: The growing insanity of Himmler Jr.

The Eye Glows and Flashes, a warning sign of things to come. The two helplessly watch Himmler Jr. as he slowly descends into madness. First he sweats. Then he shakes. Then he let's out the mother of all screams. When his assisstant tries to reign him in, in quick reflex, Himmler grabs his fellow Nazi and starts slamming his head off the Vatican Ground . Reducing his head to a pulpy bubble, that could just pop any moment. Never stopping his laughing for a moment. However it doesn't last long for the old man falls down dead. The Eye didn't kill him, but rather the stress of what he experienced proved too much for his body to handle. Causing a Heart Attack and A Stroke. In other words. He was scared to death. The very fear he wished upon 7 billion people in an effort to top 11 million, was given to him 1000 fold. Among most of the experiences, Himmler witnessed first hand what it was like to be a soldier on the front lines or a poor Jewish prisoner in a concentration camp. The thought of being in the shoes of someone he found disgusting and beneath him plus the overall sensory overload of the eye, made him so scared, he died.

29:16 - 30:20

Act V: Aftermath.

After giving Himmler what he deserved The Eye Of Experience closed once more.

As for The Thief and The Woman in Black? , aside from some mental scarring, they didn't get as bad as Himmler Jr. Did. If anything the Thief feels much better. He looks down his shirt and sees the bullet wounds are not only healed, but they are gone. Despite him having hours to live before. They realzed with the eye open, they had a direct channel from God and for giving his life to protect the Woman and The Eye, God gave him not only his life back, but a chance to change it. After the horrors he's seen, he will.


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Esta canción está como para viajar al espacio sin nave

The synths have an epic feel toward the beginning with how it sets itself up. As it progresses the synths add on top of each other to create a kind of eerie and spacious melody. Toward the end it becomes frightening and filled with trepidation with those chords. The track is a bit too long, but an overall nice experience.

CIEIRMusic responds:

Thanks. A bit is an understatement. This is by far the longest song I ever wrote. That being said they're long for a reason which I will explain when I finish the last song of the album.

Credits & Info


4.71 / 5.00

Jan 14, 2022
12:39 AM EST
File Info
37.4 MB
30 min 21 sec
  • FL Studio
  • MuseScore 2

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.