20 MINS WHAT HOW IT TAKES ME like 3 DAYS!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Quick song I made for the endling credits of my English video. I made it quick, 20 mins or so. Still came out nice sounding. Nice jazzy, calm feeling to it. reminds me of sitting at a beach, sipping a tropical drink, looking out at the ocean without a care in the world. Pure relaxation.
20 MINS WHAT HOW IT TAKES ME like 3 DAYS!?!?!?!?!?!?!
this is a classic I must admit..
idk where or on which game I heard this piece of art... but I'm sure I know this song from sime time...
Awesome stuff friend :)
simply awesome '''''''
i heard this back when sling sling had first come out and was instantly addicted to it. I recently tried very hard to find it, looking through hundreds of pages of jazz audio clips with no luck. I remembered it being something similar to easy listening or easy sunday or something along those lines, but still tried in vain. eventually, i tried going through classical and /finding anything with war in it, remembering you had something with war in the title. FINALLY I FOUND IT AGAIN.
p.s. why is this under ambient and not jazz?
As The Japanese Say;Sugoi!
I enjoyed this piece quite calmly.The soothing beat,the soft saxaphone...It was all thrown together into once great piece of music,and the loop that it has keep it flowing,I didn't even notice it the first few times :D
Excellent work.
Just Perfect
Hell yeah!!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.