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Hey guys, I wanted to let you know, I really appreciate all of you immensely. This journey on Newgrounds has been incredible.

Unfortunately ***yesterday while riding home from playing tennis, I almost made it home, and there was one crazy intersection that goes under the freeway, I made it through that and right past it,after almost getting run over multiple times on my bike, I merged from the left to the right lane and looked back to made sure the Jeep saw me, then kept riding in the right lane, towards the side of the road and next thing I know I hear a screech behind me and as I start to look back I got hit really bad in the back of my ribs.

I'm very lucky. Though it's quite awful and I'm in a lot of pain in my ribs, I think I'm going to make it out in one piece. I have a couple big gashes on my leg from maybe the bike and his Jeep. He proceeded to get out of his car and yell at me over and over telling me it's MY FAULT. He then told me that he sent me the documents like his insurance and license because it shattered my phone and my phone was basically out of batteries- BUT HE DIDN'T, he lied about that..., but I managed to get a picture of his license plate.

The only reason this guy pulled over was because his girlfriend advised him he'd be in a lot of trouble if he didn't. She was the person to call the authorities,and even when I confronted him about showing zero remorse about what he just did running me over from behind in a huge brand new Jeep, he never even said sorry. He just kept going on and on about how it's all my fault.

The cop came and took down his info too, so I can use that- my bike was really nice and the frame is crumpled from the impact.

I feel okay, I'm able to walk and move around. If it was a car it's possible my knee would be shattered and I might not be able to walk again.

Again, I'm lucky to be in one piece, though in a lot of pain and may have cracked some ribs or something, or just rib bruising but I got nailed there and in my butt and it all doesn't feel great and is swelling a bit .

Luckily I was able to order groceries as I just got rid of both my old cars and was biking, now I'm not going to be biking, it was too traumatizing. I only want to go mountain biking on trails now, no more city biking for the most part. This was awful. He ran me down, and he saw me too. He might have said he didn't, but I know he saw me, I looked back, and when he came telling me over and over without saying sorry "you're at fault, you merged into my lane" i mean buddy, I'm a biker I came into the right lane to let you pass me after going through the scariest intersection in my life, and so you can just run me down?

I'm really emotional and will be taking a break from uploading because I"m in a lot of pain.

I made this beat back in December of last year.

You guys mean a lot to me. Thanks for everything.

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Great song. As for your accident, don't let that guy get to you. Most drivers look down on bicycles and riders because you don't need a license to go on the road. So on the off chance they run someone over, they'll do anything they can to put blame on the cyclist in hopes it would outlaw all cycles on the road. He's more concered with whatever financial gain and his own personal politics than the fact that he almost killed someone. I know what it's like to be in an accident like this, I was rear ended in a taxi when I was a kid. No one was hurt, thank god, but the person driving tried to pin everything on the cabbie. Not caring that she nearly killed a mother and her child. Needless to say my mother would have turned a car accident into a crime scene had we not got a free transfer to another cab and went home. Since then I take car safety very seriously.

In terms of you not wanting to ride again after, I don't blame you, but there is a way to get over the trauma of the accident. I don't know the exact name of the therapy, but the idea is, in a safe environment to recreate the events to purposefully trigger the trauma of your experience and keep doing it periodically until you go numb to it.

I hope you heal up soon man! It sucks you had to go through that :( There are lots of mean people on this planet, as I'm sure a lot of people know by now. He was definitely at fault. He was in a vehicle, he needs to watch out for pedestrians and cyclists. He had no reason to act angry like he did. Even if it did end up being 'your fault' it still would had been more humane to help you out instead of yelling.
Anyway, this beat is nuts! It's a shame I won't hear any new tracks from you for awhile but by all means, take as much time as you need to recover! Stay healthy, my friend :)

Wooo nice beat Boza (。♡‿♡。),
The car hit was bad, I hope you get well sooner
( ◜‿◝ )♡ Have a good day

I'm sorry to hear you get hit by a car. That dude sounds like a jerk too. I hope you're feeling batter soon. Other than that, nice beat. I like it. Very unique and cool. :D

Credits & Info


4.95 / 5.00

Aug 10, 2021
12:42 PM EDT
File Info
5.2 MB
3 min 46 sec

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