I love it! it reminded me of a lot of the Final Fantasy boss fights, and i absolutely love that series. Right off the bat, I love the guitar jamming, and the synth that also follows along with it. Great song!
1st phase and Final phase boss music from the upcoming game Chemandos.
Phlexer is a tough gym dude that jumps around like crazy and slams you. What a meanie!
Also the first time I recorded on my new guitar :)
Thanks for listening!
I love it! it reminded me of a lot of the Final Fantasy boss fights, and i absolutely love that series. Right off the bat, I love the guitar jamming, and the synth that also follows along with it. Great song!
Yoooo this is really good game music!
This isn't Boss Music. This is Headbanger Boss Music.
It took me a few attempts on guitar because I was headbanging haha
The composition is really good. It gives that boss fight feel that keeps me on the edge of my seat. I like when the guitar parts come in. Good transitions, good overall pace and transmits the emotion you're going for. Mix sounds muddy to me....is this not the final version? Like I feel certain instruments should stand out more. I was gonna say 4.5 because I'm not a fan of the mixing/mastering but screw it I'm more swayed by composition than production. 5 stars!
Yeah mix is wild haha. WIP
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