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Mimi Jubie | Reference Sheet



Mimi Jubie is the best friend of Venus Lailey (XVX-tan), and the girl who does all the behind-the-scenes work (including information-seeking, recording the fights that occur between "foreigners" using her special drones, designing coslay ideas for XVX-tan (She's quite the artist), applying new ideas to improve each of the shows, etc. But outside the Rumble shows, she's also in charge of taking care of the little apartment she and Venus live in.

Like Venus, it' not known what her true race is, but it is presumed to be the same as hers (even if her small and supposedly "noseless" appearance makes this kind of doubtful).

Between the two, Mimi is the most responsible and mature; though she's also the "nerdy" one, showing a ton of fascination for pop-culture media. (Hence the merchandise you'll see throughout the appartment, such as osters, figures, dakimanuras, etc. [This isn't even going into her love for bootleg items.] Although at the moment, it's unknown where she got most of these items and can honestly be seen as kind of creepy if one considers the foreigners co-exist with these products. But we're not here to doubt the morale of our main stars.)

While she may be older than Venus, Mimi and her met when they were children, both being neighbors and going to the same school all the way up into high school (albeit in different class). Mimi would encounter Venus throughout the years, even if both were polar opposites (a nerd and a girl who seems to be part of a gang; a girl who uses her words to defend herself and a girl who decides to use her fists). In spite of this, they're still neighborhood sisters! They've helped each other survive throughout recess and outside of school, and they still continue to help each other out to this day.

-|First Appearence|-

Mini Rumble | Thor vs Shazam (April 4th,2020)



Fun Fact: (Original Concept of the character was considered in 2017: sta.sh/0kffouzs5kd)


-| Mimi Jubie Voiced by |-

Nepheleciel - ( Thor vs Shazam - Mini Rumble || The Lost Scene - Riot Rumble )

Jordan Scarzfava - ( Mimi Jubie New VA Trailer (2021) || Bullet vs Knuckles (Alternate Ending) - Mini Rumble )

Name: Mimi Jubie

Age: 27

Genre: Female

Race: Unknown

Date of Birth: February 14th

Length and Weight: 1,58cm and ???

Skills (These skills are more for creation or other stuff, since she does not have (or even know) about combat)

- Cosplay designer

- Artist

- Some part of management

- Video editor

- Breaking the 4th wall

- (Feat) like Venus , she survived hell/underworld too

- (Feat) She has a impressive resistance to physical attacks (atleast compared to a normal person)

- She does speedrun (mostly with DOOM or Contra or other games of shooter type)

- Create figures and build pretty basic technological stuff

- (More may be added in the future)


- Ice Cream

- Bootleg stuff (The rarer the object in question and the more fascinated she will be)

- Doomguy

- Pop-culture media

- Venus (her friend)

- Videogames (all types of genres - mainly RPG and classic shooter)

- Drawing

- Steaks

- Write new ideas for the fight show

- Balan Wonderworld


- Sharon Maximus

- Seeing her firends/ loved ones being hurt and mistreated (especially Venus)

- her "creations" being destroyed

- Getting out of bed

- Eggplant

- Family Guy

( More information will be added during the time! )


--- Join my DISCORD SERVER! --- 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/

Youtube: www.youtube.com/elias1986msisb…

Pixiv: pixiv.me/eli-kun

Twitter: twitter.com/Spideyhog

DeviantART: https://www.deviantart.com/spideyhog


Organization XVX Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCjDX3…

Hyuns Dojo Channel: www.youtube.com/user/hyunsdojo

Organization XVX twitter: twitter.com/OrganizationXVX

Organization XVX Discord: discord.com/invite/kTt5m8c

Art by SpideyHog 

Mimi Jubie (C) Organization XVX

and created/designed by SpideyHog 

Mini Rumble / Riot Rumble series (C) Organization XVX

(Currently Partnered with Hyper Gauge and Hyuns Dojo)

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Love this Design! She seems like a Spunky Nerd who’s Super Enthusiastic but ain’t Afraid to Kick Ass!

Credits & Info

4.81 / 5.00

Aug 29, 2022
1:02 AM EDT

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