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Vivian James


I know characters designed to represent a specific cause or specific community incite instantaneous cringe but as someone who participated in GamerGate I did take a shine to Vivian James, the snarky yet sweet "girl next door" meant to embody the typical gamer. I'm not going into a diatribe on what GG was about but put simply gamers just got fed up with the nepotism,identity politics, and corruption within the gaming media. We bumped heads with the "game journo pros" and came away with a few victories. (Such as more gamer friendly sites popping up later down the road,helping in Gawker's down-fall,and reviewers being beholden to add a disclaimer if they review any game that was created by a close colleague of theirs or given to them free by the particular company/studio in question.) Most "normies" probably saw this as a whole bunch of nothing and I don't blame them. But for those of us who participated (And had no lives on the side) it was kind of a big deal! Anyway "I" did not create Vivian. 4-chan is the closest to being a surrogate parent which shouldn't be surprising as a large amount of other internet related mascots and hilarious memes also start their lives there! There was also an exodus where many 4 channers went to 8-chan,making Vivian popular there too. Aka, what is shown and written below is just "my" interpretation of Vivian but she is "free to the public" regardless.


From a blue collar working class family, Vivian didn’t see all that much of her father because he was too busy doing hard labor to put food on the table. However, he was able to get his daughter a Pretendo entertainment system and she’s loved video games ever since.

Smart and tech savvy, Vivian’s interests branched out into computers and programming language as well. Despite being tom-boyish and unpopular among the local adolescents, Vivian made many good friends online and became a member of LOKI, a hacker group that specializes in making information free to the public.

One afternoon during school Vivian gets a cryptic message from one of her LOKI forum buddies. Appearing as a “scary-spaghetti” about the game Soulmorphisis, it implies there was something “hidden” within the games programming language and even in the patterns of the pixel-rendered playing cards themselves. Curious, Vivian begins to decrypt the game during her computer lab class. “This is bullshit.” Vivian thought to herself cynically as her squinting emerald green eyes look for strange anomalies in the code. Then all too abruptly a painful migraine made Viv wince in pain and as she blinked she saw strange arcane symbols swimming within the darkness of her eye-lids. When Vivian’s nose began bleeding Miss Martin looked concerned putting a reassuring warm hand on Viv’s shoulder. “You okay Vivian? It’s fine, clean up and go to the nurse’s office!” Vivian smiled shyly, embarrassed by the blood dripping across her lips and down her chin. She gratefully accepted the handkerchief Miss Martin gave her, closed the game rom she had unzipped, and paced herself as she walked out of the class room.

When her finger tips rested on the door knob of the nurse’s office Vivian felt a cold chill race up her spine. She shook so violently her other hand almost dropped the handkerchief she had pressed firmly against her nose. The door suddenly opened ,the school nurse looking just as shocked at Vivian herself did. “Oh my dearie, please come in!”

Betty Mackleigh had a thick Canadian accent and today her hair was done up in a tight bun. She had teal rubber gloves and teal scrubs which wasn’t at all out of place for someone in the medical profession. While Betty’s smile was welcoming and warm her eyes were a strange pale lilac color that made Vivian feel just a little uneasy.

“I-I’m sorry…I felt a migraine and my nose just started bleeding….” Vivian didn’t want to go into too many details. She kept it informative enough to be honest and just vague enough so as to not get into any trouble for examining game roms when she should have been doing school related assignments instead.

Betty adjusted the patient bed then patted it with a smile. “Hop up here, Vivian…..let me take a look at you…” Vivian did as instructed resting her head on the soft pillow as her fiery locks of bright orange hair spilled out around her. Reaching over she placed the bloodied handkerchief on the armrest next to her.

“You have beautiful hair Vivian.” Betty’s supple fingers ran through Vivian’s thick ginger mane, her haunting gaze eyeing Vivian yearn-fully, almost hungrily. Vivian’s freckled cheeks became flushed with color and though she felt frightened her body could not so much as squirm. Betty’s somewhat parted lips hovered close to Viv’s mouth, the voluptuous nurse’s cleavage pressed up against her own breasts concealed beneath the green and purple turtleneck. By comparison, Betty’s were somewhat exposed due to her shirt being partially unbuttoned.

“So young, ripe, and vibrant….” The ringing of the phone made Viv sigh in relief as Betty snapped up at attention and stepped away to answer it, her own face looking a bit perturbed and frustrated as her high heels clicked along the hard polished floor.

Vivian wasted no time. Jumping quickly down from the patient bed she dashed for the door, threw it open, and rushed to her bike outside.

When finally completely up the hill with her family’s house and old farm in sight, she slowed down. Never before had Vivian James peddled so fast. If Betty Mackleigh had merely been a cougar lesbian Vivian would have gotten over it. She would have simply requested a transfer to another school or would have reported Mrs. Mackleigh to the authorities if the nurse kept on being too forward. But it wasn’t “that” which frightened Vivian.

Betty’s touch had been ice cold and something about her had been “off”. Even her breath had smelt of brittle dried up rose petals, old fertilizer, dirt, formaldehyde, and “death” …..

****************************************** Additional powers/Personality******************************************

True to her 4-chan roots, Vivian is suppose to be sullen, skeptical, and snidely sarcastic. However, underneath the bitter vitriol she is a good caring person and loves her family very much! (Especially her father. She realized he sacrificed a lot just to take care of her.)

Apart of LOKI, Vivian knows Ben simply because they “shit-post” on the same forums. When Vivian finds out how Ben's father and mother are connected to Soulmorphisis she approaches him for more information.

Vivian seems to have a "danger sense" that is triggered when homunculi are close by. Later Vivian finds out she's from a long line of ancient warriors whom drunk water from a mystic spring to prolong their vitality and to amplify their 5 senses during battle. (Supposedly they came from Viking and Celtic stock.)

Beyond her premonition and sharpened senses Vivian doesn't seem to have any other powers. However,in the future she does reputedly unleash "The Great Synchronization" that damages The Veil beyond repair forcing many more millions of people to undergo a soulmorphisis as they turn into supernaturals or develop psychic or magic abilities. (Certain individuals even change gender during their "awakenings".)

Supposedly The Great Synchronization itself was the collective psychic energy of Vivian and her "soul-linked-internet- friends" all channeling their wills in unison to stop The Woke. (Robots Daedalus had created to apprehend supernaturals and political dissenters, sending them off to the genocidal prison island of Grim-hold to serve out their remaining life sentences) Though the infrastructure around the world is taken down temporarily, The Great Synchronization simultaneously gives the people the ability to rise up against Daedalus's forces as they take back their governments and agencies. (Not surprisingly, The Great Synchronization likewise destroyed hundreds of thousands of functioning Woke units as that was its' original intention.)

Reputedly Vivian disappears after causing this event with most speculating she ascended as "pure energy" and became "the avenging Valkyrie" of earth's people.

The "amplifier-soul-tuner-supernatural-class" Vivian classifies under is very rare and as of writing this "she" is the only one of her kind.


"Silly" fan art of Viv in which she is next to a castle filled with sjw themed cenobytes and other creatures!"


"I like this one. There's a feeling of suspense but it's more subtle."


"Vivian attacked by Kobold (Trevor Caldwell),a deranged yet brilliant furry!"


"Just standard character concept art."

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Great stuff! I really liked the 2nd piece. I'd love to see more content like this. What materials do you use to draw?

Looking back I still can't believe how outrageous this entire scandal was. GG was actually what turned me against most news sites and journalists. I don't support that trash anymore, petty gossip, shamelessly misleading headlines and liable crap the lot of it. I just wanted to play games and be left alone, now my hobby is permanently branded with misogyny and racism. Journos are scum of the earth. I hope their field crashes harder than Hindenburg.

nightsavior responds:

I feel you. And there are always opportunists on all sides trying to fuel that fire of rage just so they get clicks and cash. Regardless there are still games and I'm still going to play them with no regrets! (Even the guilty pleasure fan service games! Actually, "especially" those games!)

Credits & Info

4.67 / 5.00

Oct 8, 2019
8:08 PM EDT

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