Very amazing art! You should make a point and click game!
Originally from February 20th, 2020
'Bog Hags take their residence in the Ranaean Swamps far in the east, just mere miles away from the Fae Realms of Empress Obera, which - as a matter of fact - is not a coincidence. These witches - in contrast to their human counterparts - are actually a species of fae, but have chosen to live secluded from their kin, in a place where they feel more at home, and where they can cast their spells and brew their concoctions without any interference.
Bog Hags come into being when Changeling children (Editor's note: Fae children who are swapped with human children, who get taken by the fae for their own unknown purposes) are revealed by the original parents by tests of iron or fire, and are subsequently abandoned near the marshes close to their village. Changeling children can prosper just fine without the aid of human caretakers and can usually already walk, talk and fend for themselves the moment they're switched, however instead of taking an appearance that mimics that of a regular human, it imitates the flora and fauna of the swamp. Their skin turns a muddy brown-greenish colour, they grow warts and lumps not unlike those of a toad, and branches grow out of their bones like trees. This usually gives them a horrible visage, scaring away anyone who happens to encounter them. However, Bog Hags view themselves as irresistibly beautiful, and are in fact quite vain, spending hours of their day taking 'good care' of their appearance.
There have been plentiful bard tales and stories of heroes who managed to escape the grasp of a Bog Hag by complimenting their looks, asking her to marry him and then defeating her by putting an iron ring around her finger.
Bog Hags aren't inherently evil creatures. They enjoy their solitude and wish not to be disturbed by commoners, and will not seek out trouble when they do not feel the need. They do however still take great pleasure in causing mischief, something they have in common with their Fae kin. Getting folk lost in the swamp, transforming the riches inside a passers-by's purse into tadpoles, or cursing livestock, making it so they give bog water instead when milked.
A Bog Hag should not be angered if one can prevent it. Their powers seem to be exceptionally expansive, some even matching those of the finest mages ever known to man, and a Hag's curse may last you for well over a lifetime. It is not recommended to enter the Ranaean Swamps without means to counter these creatures just in case - like iron rods or chains, several torches or milk from a calf, blessed by seven blind priests on a hot winter's night. Be wary and do not ever leave your guard down!'
- Witch Hunter's Almanac, 49th publication. Writer unknown, however, this entry has been said to have been dictated by Karl Hermann Grossenbergen, Court Wizard of Adelheimm, who returned as a tortoise after a trip to the Fae Realms.
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Very amazing art! You should make a point and click game!
In modern times, Bog Hags are blue Check-Marks on Twitter. They employ massive quantities of Soy for their Glamour magics. Also this one is a real beauty. Just...mwah, magnafique. <3
Poor Karl Hermann Grossenbergen, tortoises are pretty cool but I can understand why being turned into one would suck.
Yeah, though he probably could have seen the end result of his trip to the Fae Realms coming, he probably had some more exciting plans for his life rather than having to spend it on four legs eating lettuce all day...
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