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Disney Siblings


  King Mickey, King Oswald, Royal Archivist Felicity Fieldmouse. Mickey and his two older siblings (In terms of creation, Felicity is the youngest, but she's meant to be Mickey's older sister). I had fun trying to fit them into my Kingdom Hearts canon.

  For a long time, the idea was that Sora meets Oswald after seemingly dying and disappearing. Sora's new nature allows him to travel to Wasteland freely despite it not properly existing, and he meets Oswald and Ortensia. Funny enough, the people he brings there, Strelitzia, Repliku, and Xion, all have issues Oswald can relate to and he can help Sora help them (Strelitzia woke up and ages had passed without her, similar to how people of Wasteland feel; Oswald once resented Mickey for replacing him like how Repliku thought Riku's existence overshadows his; and Xion feeling the pain of being forgotten... well, Oswald's the king of forgotten Toons, so that's obvious.)

  Oswald being absent for the most part makes sense given Wasteland is a seperate world, and while it may be possible for the heartless Toons in that world to develop new Hearts like the Nobodies do, I dunno if it's as easy for a whole artifical world to grow a Heart. Even if it did, the world is on a slip of paper, so making that into a whole planet that can exist next to Disney Town is easier said than done, probably even for Yen Sid. Also, Mickey likely can't just pull everyone out into Disney Town since that'd lead to a heap of overpopulation issues (Plus Wasteland is a world for pirates, living programs, ghosts, many things that probably wouldn't be as at home in Disney Town as Oswald and Ortensia would be). Luckily, when given a taste of ultimate power, Sora just cuts the proverbial knot and makes Wasteland a physical world next to Disney Town.

  The idea was that Epic Mickey played out at some point during Mickey's training under Yen Sid, and Epic Mickey 2 played out sometime later before Birth By Sleep. Interestingly, this could answer the question of "Why did King Mickey let Pete go free after he commited treason and attempted murder as the musketeer captain?" In the EM series, the Mad Doctor is given a second chance, it can be assumed Prescott can get a second chance, and Mickey himself got a second chance after causing the Thinner Disastor. Mickey knew Pete as his former captain twice over (Steamboat Willie and Three Musketeers) and likely still had some care for his former captain and wanted him to be better. Unfortunately, Pete threw that chance away and joined Maleficent after Minnie put him in a cosmic timeout.

  Funny enough, this also ties into Felicity. My idea was that Mickey and Minnie knew Pete personally. Mickey still cares about Pete, Minnie barely tolerated him after his attempted coup. Felicity knew Pete the least, so she's the most hostile towards him. In her eyes, he's just an asshole who repaid the loyalty of her brother and their friends by attempting to kill them and trying to usurp her sister-in-law. I even imagined Felicity filling Horace Hoarsecollar's role in BBS (Horace is prominent in Wasteland so he logically can't be in Disney Town).

(Aqua and 'Captain Justice' hear someone panicking)

Felicity: (Carrying her sons Morty and Ferdie while runningHelp! Anyone!? (Lets her suns go in the safety of town square and catches her breath)

Captain Justice: Hark! I hear the cry for help of a fair maiden! Captain Justice, away! Do you require help, my lady?

(Felicity looks up to see Pete in spandex)

Felicity: ..... Am I really this desperate? Actually, maybe this is up your alley! Those monsters are messing up the Fruit Ball stadium!

Captain Justice: Monsters? Uh, sorry, fair lady, Captain Justice doesn't deal with no monsters!

FelicityYou threw bombs at children on a racetrack this morning, you lazy piece of rear-spewed waste!

Captain Justice: Look, my line of work is complicated. I'm more of a "Save cats from trees" kinda hero.

Felicity: By shaking the tree 'til they fall out of it?

Captain Justice: Oh, so you've seen my work!

FelicityCan literally anyone else in the known universe help me!? The bar can not get any lower now!

Aqua: Excuse me, you said monsters? I think I can help with them.

Felicity: Really!? Oh thank you!

Captain Justice: Now hold on, who says you need that arena for Fruit Ball? We can play it right here! Hey, kid, heads up! (Throws a watermelon straight at Ferdie's head) See?

(Turns around to see a furious she-mouse who clobbers the tar out of him while Aqua winces)

Felicity: (Holding Ferdie and wiping the watermelon juice off of him) Sorry you had to see that. The Fruit Ball stadium is over there. I'm sure you can clean it out while I clean up my poor boy and have a chat with 'Captain Justice' here once he wakes up.

Aqua: Uh, sure...

(One minigame of me desperately fighting the urge to make an "Aqua's Melons" joke later...)

Felicity: Wow, you were amazing!

Queen Minnie: Quite, you have our thanks, Miss...

Aqua: Aqua, your highness.

Queen Minnie: I'm sorry the festival is in such disarray, I really wish I could've dealt with these monster infestations sooner.

Daisy: Don't sell yourself short, your majesty, you've done a superb job juggling the festival and whatever those unholy afronts to creation itself are.

Felicity: Especially with the King running off like he did. (Leans towards Aqua and whispers) The King has a big heart. It's a shame is brain never caught up.

  I like the idea that Felicity is the sane one and the audience surrogate for Kingdom Hearts lore. She's horrified by the Heartless, seeing them less as video game enemies and more like "world-eating Heart-zombies" (Heartless may look cute, but they're canonically eldritch monsters), jokes about Mickey's bad luck (Might run in the family, Oswald's "Lucky Rabbit" title is more ironic given he's often caught in bad situations), and after Destiny Island is restored and Sora and Kairi want to find Riku.

Felicity: Oh no! You're not going anywhere but home, both of you!

Kairi: But Riku-

FelicityRiku is still breathing! He can wait! Your famillies spent a year in Darkness without you, and now they've woken up, and you're not there! Before you go anywhere else, you're going home to have a heartfelt reunion and dinner with your worried sick families!

Sora: Do we have to tell Riku's parents he got possessed by a crazy guy?


   I was honestly wondering how I would fit Oswald in before Sora even ends up in Wasteland, and then it hit me. I could just have King Mickey spend a majority of the first game's plot going insane from lack of sleep so he just hears Oswald and Kermit the Frog's voices in his head.

Mickey: (Red-eyed and strangling a HeartlessWhere is she!?

Oswald: I don't think he can talk, Mick.

Mickey: (Points at his brotherBe silent, imaginary Oswald! It cannot hear you!

(The Heartless wonders why Mickey is pointing at nothing)

Oswald: So you're just acknowledging that you're going crazy.

Mickey: If I was going crazy, would I have been able to successfuly tackle this Shadow and strangle the life out if it!?

OswaldIt doesn't have lungs! Think for a second, Mickey! I can't be here because I live on a scroll in a tower! And Kermit is over there hanging out with Perfect Cell while yelling about women with big butts! Does that sound like the Kermit you know!?

Mickey: He can prefer any type of woman he wants! And who am I to judge if he hangs out with a terrifying being of death and destruction? He's dated one for years!

OswaldGo the heck to sleep!

(That poor Heartless looks so confused)

Mickey: I can't! You know why!? Because Aqua is out there somewhere! And she needs me! I may be fatigued, hallucinating, and ate my own shirt, but I will not rest until I find-

Oswald: (Holding up a phone) I'm gonna leak every shirtless selfie you ever sent to Minnie to the internet.

Mickey: ...

(Cuts to Mickey in a hotel)

Mickey: I'll take a room with a bed!

Concierge: I assure you, we probably have one of those.

Do not steal. Wanna make art or stories of my stuff, please credit me.

All characters belong to their respective owners/creators.

Kingdom Hearts(c)Nomura, Disney, Square Enix

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You really thought this out, color me impressed. Also hilarious.
A while back I had entertained the idea of the next storyline being Epic Mickey themed with the cast dealing with an invasion of Forgotten characters and dopplegangers. Ending with a 3-way war between the heroes, Maleficent and her Heartless and the Horned King (or the Phantom Blot) and his Forgotten Hordes. The day is saved, the forgotten become remembered and the mystery becomes less about how they became forgotten and more about why they became forgotten. Now you've inspired me to go back to it an add Felicity in as the catalyst that ends Oswald's feud, with her regaining her memories first and stopping her younger siblings part in the war.

That's cute :3

Hypno-Scream responds:

Thanks! ^^

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Jan 13, 2024
8:34 PM EST

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