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The Heist: Part One


Roxanne Moreau the owner of The Queen's Gambit Casino and a powerful player in the chess game that was the underworld. With friends in high places to make sure things slide, it's easy to feel like people of her sort will never face true justice. Thats where this rag tag team comes in. Bret, the spy. Gwen, the lady in the chair. And Wade....

Yes, with these three combined they're going to take down this femme fatale!


  • Cfnm
  • F/m
  • Humiliation
  • Gang Tickling
  • 22 pages
  • Comedy??


Bret looked at himself in the mirror, barely recognizing the reflection that returned his gaze. His face a deep shade of red as his tight black shorts left very little to the imagination. His dark nipples only covered by a pair of black satin suspenders, and the finishing touch came with a silly little bow tie.

"This is stupid." He sighed, loud enough for his director to hear him through his earpiece.

"It's necessary." Gwen, their woman in the chair, spoke matter of factly as she watched her agent through the monitor of the van. Safely parked several blocks away, she continued.

"You read the brief, agent 60. Our target is a real cougar, and we need her distracted while agent 427 sneaks in, finds what we need, and gets out." She spoke matter of factly, her tone clear to the reality that she cared very little about the detective's fashion faux pas.

Bret wanted to tell her to go scratch, but knew better than to argue on the job. It's just, he didn't spend years of rigorous training and discipline to dress up like a chip and dale dancer! He was a trained spy for hire! An unrestricted hand of justice! And right now his ass looked like they could bounce every chip in this casino off of it.

"Who the hell would make their workers dress like... *this*..?" Bret asked in disgust. Seemingly forgetting about every strip club, ever, in all of existence.

"Roxanne Moreau, your target, and if all goes well we'll have her on a lot more then a complaint to HR." Gwen replied assuredly as she turned her eyes to the mission briefing on the wall.

Roxanne Moreau, owner of the popular casino, The Queens Gambit. The pictures showed an insanely beautiful blond woman in gorgeous designer clothing. The file read that she was 39, but her face looked of someone who was in their late 20's. Seemingly connected to the disappearances of several customers that had wracked up extraordinary debt.

Theories started at murder and ended at human trafficking, but police investigations were never able to find any concrete evidence that's lead to a meaningful outcome. A quick check of the records and finances would do wonders, but Ms. Moreau's friends in high places seemingly saw to it that never happens.

Not by any official means anyway. Which meant it was all up to them. And with their skills of tact, deception, and cunning, these three professionals would win the day.


When Bret walked into the open area of the casino his senses were immediately assaulted by the lights and glamour of it all. The place was packed with people hoping to win big, but to Bret's surprise it was mostly women. Women gambling, women serving drinks In equally as silly bunny outfits, women everywhere now that he noticed. The only men the agent could see were the ones dressed not too differently from him.

Waisting no time, the suave spy was able to grab an abandoned drink tray and complete his disguise. Once there, he worked fast on trying to find his target. It wouldn't be a hard task though as the hostess herself, Roxanne Moreau, could be seen as the top at the four level stair case that spiraled upwards into a sort of vip lounge.

Thinking fast, agent 60 went to the bar and demanded the "boss's special" as impatiently as he could. Like expected, upon hearing this nervous bartender did as he was told with very few questions, less he risk the bosses wrath. The same trick seemingly working on the body guard blocking his way to the staircase.

Whoever this woman was, she knew how to put the fear of god into her subordinates. Bret would be shocked if they left here without any proper evidence of this bitch being bad news...


"Agent 427," Gwen called out, her voice coming in smoothly through the earpiece. "Agent 60 is inside and closing on the target. What's your status?"

"I'm almost there boss!" Wade's haggard breath blared through the speakers of all their communications, forcing Gwen and Bret to cover their ears in pain."

"Aurgh! Agent 427?? 427?! W A D E!!! What the hell are you doing??" The no nonsense woman demanded as she quickly lowered the volume of his audio.

"I'm....(pant).. I'm you know.... (pant) scaling the building!" Agent 427, Wade answered earnestly.

There was a deafening audio silence for a good thirty seconds. The communication line only filled with the sound of wind blowing harshly into Wades face.

Finally, Bret spoke up quietly as to not be heard by the people around him. "I'm sorry, I must have missed that. Did this mother fucker just say he's scaling the building???!!"

"I don't know what coitus with my parental unit has to do with this, but yes!" Wade turned up his nose, offended by the harsh language.

".... Agent 427... there's.. no reason to be doing that..." Gwen's voice came next. Nowhere near as harsh sounding but twice as confused.

"Well then how exactly did you expect me to get in there?!" Wade asked exasperated by the unappeasable nature of his two coworkers.

"THE FRONT DOOR!" Agent 60 answered in a whispered shout. "YOU GO THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR! *I* WENT THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR!!!"

"Agent 60, breath. We'll improvise. Wade, how close are you to the roof? What floor are you on?" Gwen asked, her tone noticeably shaken for a woman that's usually dead pan.

"By my count.. uhhhmmm. Tsk, let's just saaaaaaaay- seven?" Wade responded, to another eerie silence.

"Oh my fucking god..." Bret muttered.

"What?" Wade asked. "I didn't catch that! Who's having relations now? My mother or the Holy Spirit?"

Finally Gwen was the one to answered. "Wade. The Queens Gambit is only 4 stories. You're on the wrong building."

It took a moment for Wade to respond, but finally he did with a realization, "..... that explains SO much right now! Ok, my bad!"

"YOUR BAD?!" Bret growled through his teeth.

"Oh yea because *YOU'RE* the one who's inconvenienced right now!" Wade shot back, looking around at how he was going to get down.

Gwen immediately spoke up in order to stop Bret from exploding and blowing his cover. "You do that. Let us know when you've made it in."

"Okey-dokey-Grandma-Loki!" Wade bubbly responded as he put himself in reverse. Going down most certainly being easier than going up.


When Agent 60 made it to the top of the staircase he could immediately see Roxanne schmoozing with her patrons. Rather than going from table to table, she simply sat in a luxurious booth placed in the middle of the social area. Around her were women from every stage of the food chain. Officers, judges, powerful wives and daughters, and a few mysterious types that always seemed to hang around places of this sort.

Bret hesitated before advancing. Unsure what the plan was now that Wade has seemingly taken himself off the board. Should he even bother?

Just then, he felt a sharp slap on his ass. Bret jumped, almost knocking over the drink on his tray. In an instant he turned in surprise, seeing a seductive young lady with purple hair. She waved at him with her fingers flirtatiously.

"Well hey there, handsome! You look new?~" She asked sweetly, planting her hand on her hip as she studied him.

Bret looked dumbfounded for a moment, unsure how to proceed. He tried not to get distracted by her phenomenal body, but looking into her eyes seemed even more difficult. Especially with the way he looked right now.

"Uh, yea.." The undercover agent answered quickly. His confusion coming off more like shyness.

"I thought so! I think I'd remember someone like you rocking one of our men's uniforms!" Her eyes flicked down at Bret's toned form, really admiring just how revealing his outfit was. "You look super yummy!~"

Bret's face started to glow red, the purple hair girl making her ogling quite obvious. Once she got her fill she looked back into his eyes and smiled. As if she wasn't just checking him out.

"I'm Kaylee!~" she put her hand out.

"... Bret." He hesitated, before reaching out to greet her.

Before he knew what happened, Kaylee pulled her hand away and instead softly flicked him in between his legs.

"AH! H-hey!" Bret stammered, completely taken back by the nasty trick. His jerking causing some of the alcohol in the glass to spill. But Kaylee only giggled at his reaction.

"Wow, you really are new, hehe~" Kaylee explained, adorably sticking out her pointer finger like a teacher. "That was a test. When serving drinks, waiters should always have one hand on the tray and the other behind their back. Like a real gentlemen!~"

Bret continued to look at her in shock. He was ready to tell this women to get the hell away from him until Gwen spoke in his ear.

"Do not alert suspicion. Do as the rules state."

After taking a breath, Bret did as he was instructed. Straightening out his posture, he held the tray at a 90 degree angle in one hand and placed his other behind his back. Like one would expect a butler to look.

Kaylee clapped like a child. "See! So handsome! Now are you just going to stand there or are you going to take that drink to the boss?"








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4.22 / 5.00

May 8, 2022
5:48 PM EDT

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