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Character Reference: Infinity


So this is Infinity, my 5th dimensional cluster-truck of a character. Think Doctor Who, but not Doctor Who and Undertale influenced. Why do I say that? Well originally this was intended to be an alternate version of Frisk... But I scrapped that idea. Now obviously I have already posted this on DA, so here's the stuff from that upload:


It's about time that I did an updated drawing of my boy Infinity. "Who is this Infinity person?" you may be wondering. Well I'll tell you who he is after a quick word from 2019 me:

"Name: (Unknown)

Alias: Infinity

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Age: Infinite (Visually: 20. Mentally: 100+)

Height: 6 ft

Weight: 200 lbs

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Red

Occupation: Multiverse walker

Personality: Professional, does things by the books, orderly, watchful, helpful, supportive, bit of a nervous wreck, a little kinky, empathetic, cannot stay still, likes to travel

Likes: Latex, seeing new things in the multiverse, Any instance of William and Kyu, ice cream, making sure things are in order, helping those in need, video games, anime, sweet food, being with any family he can find

Dislikes: Chaos, people defying the timeline, people not following his instructions, people going against his advice, leather, time phantoms, Interlopers that do not help out, the realm of non-existence, people who interfere with timelines not their own

Abilities: Can do whatever he wants as he is a living distortion of reality itself, time travel, multiverse travel, near-omnipotence, aware of the flow of time, immortality

Background: Infinity was originally a boy who fell into a time rift in between the gaps of reality. He spent an infinity unable to escape. Eventually he went mad, but quickly got bored of that. He started to learn and almost escaped the rift. But he missed his chance and remained trapped. He even got to watch the end and rebirth of reality itself...it was utterly terrifying. But fate had granted him a chance to escape the rift. He took a leap of faith and escaped into reality. But he ended up trapped on Earth during it's infancy. But the toxic gasses, burning ash, and scalding lava were a nice reprieve from not existing. Plus he could not die as the rift had made him immortal and also turned him into a distortion of reality itself.

Infinity would take to going where ever he please throughout existence. He had a lot of fun and wanted to keep doing it. So in time he would seek out the multiverse patrol and register to become a multiverse walker. This allowed him to come and go as he pleased as long as he did not mess up any timelines or universes."

Wow, Jebus Crispy on a bicycle, did I even proofread that back then? Alright, so the reason why I copy and pasted this from the original upload is because the lore hasn't really changed since then, but there have been some updates that I will now share with you.

Name: Ignatius "Infinity" Ford

Age: N/A (adult)

Gender: Male

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Brown

Height: 6'3 ft

Dimension: 5D

Occupation: Reality walker

Yeah, that's it really. I do feel that elaborating on some things is in order, though.

What does 5D mean?

5D in my personal canon means 5th dimensional and represents time. It's not man-made time, but the flow of time itself as in the past, present, and future. Infinity has reached such a point thanks to falling into a time rift during the previous iteration of our timeline. His time in the rift allowed him infinite time to learn how the dimensions work. While he was only able to go up to 5, that is more than sufficient for the Reality Walkers.

What are the Reality Walkers?

RWs are freelance agents who patrol the void of the multiverse. Their job is to look for trouble and handle it to the best of their ability. Typically they handle interlopers, time phantoms, and timeline anomalies. They are made up of mostly 5th dimensionals with a few 4th and 6th dimensionals here and there. 3rd dimensionals and anything past 6th dimensional is exceptionally rare for the Reality Walkers. Reality Walkers are taught not to interfere and only intervene if it is absolutely necessary. If the Reality Walkers run into an issue they cannot handle, they report to the Multiverse Patrol and/or the Time Watchers.

What are the Multiverse Patrol and the Time Watchers?

It is best to view these groups as such when it comes to the multiverse: Time Watchers are the "government", the Multiverse Patrol are the "armed forces/police", and the Reality Walkers are the "private investigators/freelancers." The Time Watchers are very high dimensional life forms that oversee the flow of time itself and are tasked with maintaining it. The Multiverse Patrol draws from all sorts of realms and universes to handle matters that occur in the void. These officers range from mostly 4th dimensionals and beyond with some 3rd dimensionals here and there. The chain of response goes like this: first the Reality Walkers assess the situation and see whether or not they can handle it. If the Reality Walkers are overwhelmed, they go to the Multiverse Patrol. The MVP can usually handle these kinds of situations, but will call upon the Time Watchers if they cannot. And if the Time Watchers cannot handle the situation... well then they just call upon Father Time himself... that last situation pretty much never happens.

And yes, I am abundantly aware that there is no proper consensus on what higher dimensions are at the time of me uploading this. My personal head canon is that 4D is gravity and 5D is time. If the 4th and 5th dimensions are properly quantified sometime soon and do not match my head canon, all you need to know is that Infinity and everyone like him are non-linear time entities that can come and go from the timeline as they see fit.

Who are Infinity's parents?

You know what? He does look kind of familiar now that I think about it. That hair... the height... And his last name? Hmm, must be a coincidence... 

Anyways, let's address some things real quickly:

1) If you include any of my stuff in your works to a canon degree, Infinity is officially part of your story. But again, that's only if you make my stuff canon to your stuff. I only say this because Infinity can visit any universe he pleases.

2) Yes, I am aware of CORE Frisk and ERROR Sans given Infinity's extensive inclusion in my Undertale AUs. He is also aware of them.

3) 5th Dimensionals have not a single bone of malice in them. Fighting for survival is a 3rd Dimensional thing. That's not to say they don't have their own ambitions, goals, and agendas. I'm just saying they don't have a reason To tAkE ovER tHe WOrLd...

4) Yes, Infinity is kind of like Doctor Who in the time travel regard.

Let's talk about the picture real quickly. I really wanted to update Infinity because the old picture was a crusty jpeg that looked like a 16 year old drew it... yes, I was 24 at the time. I like to think I have improved since then. This was actually really simple to color given that it's just Infinity and he's not wearing something complex like latex. Nope, no latex here. Just your everyday space age fabric that's shiny and durable. I'm hoping I did the proportions right. They look fine to me, but then again I am biased. I am satisfied for the most part, however.

Yup, that's the deal with Infinity. Ms. Phantasm and Infinity won't be my only characters above the third dimension... Just wait until we get into my 12th, 13th, and Omni dimensional characters... Hahahahaha...

Something I have to establish with Infinity: he's a bit of a special character to me. I personally probably won't be drawing him in any Kinky or NSFW situations...but obviously I cannot stop you from doing so. Feel free to draw Infinity however you want, just don't break any laws in the process. Also Infinity can shape shift due to his higher dimensional nature.

Infinity, Reality Walkers, Multiverse Patrol, and Time watchers Copyright 2021 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)

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Jun 4, 2022
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