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Reviews for "_-={Precious Seconds}=-_"

All Hope Lost

"You were my only love, and now...you're gone forever. What do I have to live for now?"

A veteran of many wars finally retired from duty the Medal of Honor placed upon his ragged uniform. He was still in his forties but throughout the many events he's been through and all the bloodshed he had seen, the expressions on his face made him look as if he was in his sixties.

He returned to his wife on a breezed evening in the countryside. He knocked on the wooden door and a woman opened the door. She sobbed quietly in joy as she hugged her husband. Not wanting him to go once more, she gripped his arm and asked him a promise. "Please, don't go...ever again. I need you" she said "I promise" he replied.

Three weeks later, his ex-Sergeant came by and said "We need you, one last time." He thought about what his Sergeant said, and he also remembered his promise. The call of duty awaits him, but he didn't wanted to leave, but he also didn't have a choice. He can either go or let his country crumble to ashes.

"I'll be back, this I will not fail" he said. and kissed his wife then left in the Humvee to the battlefield. His wife gave him something to memorize her; a necklace. He carried his rifle into the leaden dirt and fired wildly on hostiles.

Please, wait for me. He thought. "God bless the Americans" she prayed back home. Each day she would be waiting and starring outside her window in the bright grasslands. She never gave up hope and she knew he would come back.

A month later, his brethren knocked on her door. "He...walked away. I'm so sorry" his comrade announced. She cried and looked at the sky "Why??" The soldier took out a small packet, she opened it. The necklace was dirty and scathed but it still kept it's shape. There was a note under it. "Please, never forget me. As I will never forget you" she read.

And there is the vision I had to this song and I made up this story completely on the spot. Hope you guys liked it. Tell me how it was ^_^

The explanation behind this song.

To the reader, and listener, I would ask you first listen to this piece on your accord before reading this review. By reading this and then listening, your own experience will be tainted, and you will imagine something I have constructed, rather then something you would create yourself.

This song embodies time, it beats to exactly 1 second per beat, try it for yourself. Press play at exactly the tick of a second, and listen to the ticking of the song while watching the ticking clock. They should synch. It is like watching time go by, and it speaks of such a story.

The ticking will never change, the sound is constant, what changes is the essense of the song that accompanies the clock. As time runs out, as plans left out become more urgent, the song becomes more choatic, more urgent and frantic.

At the end of the day however, those urgent plans, those desperate moments are lost. Time continues to click and a new generation takes it's first breath. The melody of the new generation similar, but different from the first, because though the first is gone now, their wisdom, their knowledge and experience has been passed on.

Such is life, and its constant cycle.

Fun Facts of this song:
Ticks exactly to synch with time
Is 3:33 to demonstrate the infinite loop of time and life
Took much longer then i'd like it have to be made.

I hope you enjoy!


Damn nice once again.

Have you ever been thinking of making a battle theme?

MaestroRage responds:

i've been making battle themes for years now my good sir D:

I have like 10 at least in my pages, and I think of making more everay day!

Glad you liked the song though, thank you for the review!

Intresting concept

I was actually quite surprised when I read the first review you made to acompany this piece. Though, I have to admit it clears a lot of stuff up about it. The progressive "strength" so to speak was a nice touch as well. Really deep. Personally I prefer your more powerful and upbeat pieces. Though it's nice to have a slower one that sounds great

MaestroRage responds:

I like to make something like this once in a while simply because there are so many stories I want to tell, and not all of them require an epic beat, or slow tragedy to tell. Metaphorical stories like this *and Constituting Realities for example*, often require these abstract sequences which make odd sense without any firm guidance, which I give by the first review.

I am glad you found yourself enjoying it, thank you for the review! I apologize for the late response!


It makes ya think you are wasting seconds sometimes... Not wastign listening to the song...

MaestroRage responds:

that is indeed what it was meant to do. Precious time, thrown aside for meaningless endeavors. It is important to take time to relax and enjoy life, but so often, the fine line between relaxing, and then wasting time is crossed...

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!