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Reviews for "Too Orange"

I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it

HahahahahahhahahaHahahahahahha hahaHahahahahahhahahaHahahahah ahhahahaHahahahahahhahahaHahah ahahahhahahaHahahahahahhahahaH ahahahahahhahahaHahahahahahhah ahaHahahahahahhahahaHahahahaha hhahahaHahahahahahhahahaHahaha hahahhahahaHahahahahahhahahaHa hahahahahhahahaHahahahahahhaha haHahahahahahhahahaHahahahahah hahahaHahahahahahhahahaHahahah ahahhahahaHahahahahahhahahaHah ahahahahhahahaHahahahahahhahah aHahahahahahhahahaHahahahahahh ahahaHahahahahahhahahaHahahaha hahhahahaHahahahahahhahahaHaha hahahahhahahaHahahahahahhahaha HahahahahahhahahaHahahahahahha hahaHahahahahahhahahaHahahahah ahhahahaHahahahahahhahahaHahah ahahahhahahaHahahahahahhahahaH ahahahahahhahahaHahahahahahhah ahaHahahahahahhahahaHahahahaha hhahahaHahahahahahhahahaHahaha hahahhahahaHahahahahahhahahaHa hahahahahhahahaHahahahahahhaha haHahahahahahhahahaHahahahahah hahahaHahahahahahhahahaHahahah ahahhahahaHahahahahahhahahaHah ahahahahhahaha

Cool, dude :)

This Emily, artist for the comic strip Acid Reflux of which this song applies. For those curious, the url for the actual strip this song appeared in, go to http://www.acidrefluxcomic.com /c280.html
I have no problem with this video existing but you should probably ask Nineiron Newbobbin's permission as well since they made the mp3

Damn decent for an insane movie.

I don't read the g-d comic the last reviewer was talking about. Proving the point that my opinion most likely doesn't matter.

I'll tell ya one thing though, the art kicked ass with the music (I loved when that little orange lump began singing. I was waiting for a large orange or somethin' to fall on him.)

I bet if you did a serious movie it would rock too.


You ripped this off of some guy! You read the comic Acid Reflux, don't you?! Somebody submitted this because of a comic of a lizard-guy they meet about half-way through the series who sings a song about his primary sexual display being to orange (it was kinda like blues). If you didn't ask permission, ask it now! If you aren't willing to, then take this down. I don't think you should palguerize someone else's (however odd it amy be) work. And because of this, I'm reviewing it with pure zeros.

SuperJoe responds:

Whereas I have read Acid Reflux once or twice I know almost nothing about it. I've only read the very begining of the series and have no idea what you are talking about, but now I actually want to find out, even though I'm sure the song would be compleatly different from this one. I just found it when I was looking for some Japanese music on Napster. And I guess most people would say bite me, right?

a lot of potential

okay while this was rather "just dumb" (author comments), you have really good artwork. a little bit of time and more of that great artwork will give a you a kickass short. keep up the good work.
"use the schwartz"-yogurt (mel brooks)