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Reviews for "Fable - Rebirth (XB)"

Pretty good

A decent remix of the Demon Door tune (and now the menu theme for Fable 2 too :P). Good job.

Cosmos8942 responds:

Yeah, when I remixed this one I was NOT expecting it to become the Menu Theme for Fable II. Bit of a surprise there...and I guess I may get around to remixing this one once again. One for Fable and another for the second...sounds like fun...>:]


Thanks for the review, hopefully my next one will be, at the very least, just as good.


I kinda liked it but you could have given it more umph

Cosmos8942 responds:

Ahhhh! A billion 'below tens"!

Darnnit...you try giving the original song more "umph" T.T

But oh well not EVERYBODY can love one song.


Ahhh....the memories are flying in...

...how i did all i did get fat, be evil, give the door a rose even marieng a murder to get the hidden stuff, on alts anyway i was good :) just like this music good 7/10

Cosmos8942 responds:

The music in the game itself is crazy. I have tried time and time again to remix "Witchwoods" to no real avail. Thanks though, so many people seem to enjoy this one that I am thinking about making more along the same lines.



good .. but not as good as the real thing man .. kepp trying ....

Cosmos8942 responds:

:) To each their own my friend. If you do not like this one as much as the original that is fine but perhaps you will like the next one I try to do XD (keyword = try). I hope to get you with that one.



Sorry but this sounds wrong. Just not right. Mabye it's to fast for the temple of light.
Also, Fable one was so much more epic than two, they made armor just for fasion (Hated that, didn't buy new clothes untill I had the best weapons I could have and lots of money) and there wasn't a final boss fight ( Jack of Blades was a really hard boss unlike in most games where the final boss is a pansy, and I was really lookiung forward to the final boss fight in two but there wasn't one all you did was hold a button that was a dissapointment)

Cosmos8942 responds:

I changed a couple things to make it sound better. In the end that is what a remix is, changing something in the attempt to make it better. But Jack of Blades was easy, I beat him and got hit maybe once. I'll agree though that Fable II wasn't exactly fantastic. Ah well...
