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Reviews for "The Necromancer Episode 1"


This was awesome, and not many people could do better. The only problem I saw was the way things were drawn. Other than that it was awesome.

Why the f*ck is this on the front page?

Okay, the faces were okay, the rets of the art sucked nuts. The opening theme was pretty good, but then the sound went downhill exponentially. The story was not intriguing, the animation was weak, overall this blew chunks. But bro, I do think you have potential, this jsut feel extremely rushed. SO why the f*ck is this on the frotnpage again?

very good

Last guy was a jerkoff this is good.
-New sounds
-Better graphics
You did well and I wonder did u puposly make the Necro look like the Necro from LOM and LOMSE.

Not quite front age material

I like it - the story line - the inplay of role playing style spells and charecters - but it's not quite front page material.
Obviously the graphics aren't the best and many of the sound effects are standard overused online FX - still I like the innocence of the artists rendition. Not too amazing with the artistry but he got his story on the screen and found a starting point.
Also, there is promise here - some of the faces were well drawn and well shaded. If the artist simply learns some new flash techniques and takes more time on the graphics, we could see some great stuff.
My suggestions: try playing with the line size of the silhouettes of your charecters in respect to the lines used for internal lines and facial features. Also, get away from the gradient shading - You can use it here and there but too much makes it look hacky.
Overall -- I like it. 'Nuff said.


any retard can draw and what not, so i gave it an ok rating, but the death sounds were all the same and the stabbing motions sucked because the skeleton was prtty much beeting him, not stabbing him. lets just say, no offence Ryoma, but i have seen better from some third graders in little flip book drawings. i beleve you could do better. you just need to get more into the animation of the story, like more movement with characters and the fighting seens need to get enhanced if you want people to watch it and like it. i know, im a writer and it is hard to please.