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Reviews for "Fling Fling episode 2"

How did this make the front page?

Sorry man, this just wasnt my thing. Besides from the incredibly uninteresting story, the music was horrid. However, I did find the 100th kill idea somewhat amusing...but horribly executed. I hope your band really doesnt sound like that...maybe wanna practice a couple of chords and scales and perhaps get some singing lessons.


Just...freakin'...stop. The old man and the coffee shop sucked, and this was actually worse. The only thing even remotely funny was the fat clown right before he gets attacked, the whole single tear down the cheek thing. Other than that, this was horrible. One would think you'd get funnier, maybe, or...dare I even hope...stop making flash.

Just stop.


Stop it now.


Cut it out.


I'm begging you.

For the love of everything good in this world.

Or translate your flash into different languages and send it to the rest of the world. Then, in the moment of shock that comes when they watch it, we attack, and rule the world.

But please.

Never make another flash film again.

Unless you can actually get funny.

too slow

Honestly, the biggest flaw in this is just that it moved too slowly. There wasn't enough happening to keep me caring from one joke to the next. Also, you did a decent job on the graphics overall. If you put that much effort into the humor, it would imporve your movies a lot.


What´s the point? I don´t get it....


that sucked.very gay