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Reviews for "[Kriz] - Fluctuations"

Not bad! Not bad at all!

This is actually very good, especially seeing how you're new to FL. Very good job! The only thing I found that bugged me at all was the fact that a fair amount of the audio was clipping (that's what it's called when the song starts distorting). The best way to eliminate this is to use what is called the Fruity Compressor. Just pop one into a channel, link the sound you want it to affect, and turn the Gain down to a number in the -5 -9 range, then turn the main volume for the sound up 'till it sounds as loud as you want it to be. There are better ways to use a compressor, but (despite all of the experience I've had with it) I'm still learning how to use some of the better effects/what different knobs do. I also reccomend adding a compressor to the Main effect slot, and using that to affect the song's main volume. Trust me, the compressor will become one of your best friends in the course of you music making. Aside from all that, it's an awesome song. Keep mixing, and don't give up! You've got some serious skill man!


Kr1z responds:

thx for the tips! much appreciated :D :D


I love the piano composition you did here. The start is my favourite part as the rest of it is pretty muddy sounding with bad mastering. After the start of the dancyness it sounds much better though, but after that it doesn't progress too much. The beat is great compared to how drums sound in most commercial-sounding trance/dance/techno stuff. Still a bit repetetive and basic for my tastes.



Bloody good job for a 3rd song nice piano and key variations.
yeah man cheers for your reviews appretiate it all my shit is underated to an extent.

I make lots of samples and such i have a few trance kicks and hard snares if you would like them hit us back.

good job mate.

a bit muddled, but overall very nice.

I could learn a lot from this. I like the melodic flow, I like the overall sound of the song, and the percussion beat, works well. Basic, but effective.

There were parts when I felt that it was too muddled, too many things going on and off at once, with no distinct melody. I might not be hearing it, I hear faint traces of it, but it does get slightly difficult to differentiate them. Keep in mind however i'm not at all a dance artist, nor do I know how the genre works properly so take that criticism with a grain of salt. it's like asking a blind man to describe the sunset, it's a bit tricky.

I really like those quick builds up with the cymbols and snares. I knew snares were often used, it did not register in my head to use cymbols, for in instrumental music using the cymbols like that is just not possible, I should stop thinking inside the box!

In any case, work well done! Keep up the good fight and keep em coming! I see you already know how to use events and automation clips, so you're well on your way!

Kr1z responds:

yea lots of things in there! :D
maybe ur right, a bit muddled, but at least it wont get boring, its well variated u know :D
and yea, im still figuring out myself what dance is exactly ;)

brings me memories...

is till dont know how it happened, but this song brought me back some memories... very nice song, a bit noisy, but good song.