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Reviews for "Bomb the world to pieces."

nice too know someone sees the other side...

Hey i think think the same as the first guy u are brave to submit this and i respect u for doing so. dun worry about the grades it's just good u did it.

I guess everyone has their own opinions.

But I guess you would rather see dictators ruling the world as well. Go and actually do some research on how the people in Iraq were treated by Saddam over his period of rule. Then go and actually talk to a defected Iraqi. See what they say.
And dont feed me the bullshit "bring our soldiers home"!


I want to see them come back safe but don't you think it crosses peoples minds when they join the military, that maybe one day they might have to fight??

I have friends over there right now and I have had contact with them right before the war started. They tell me that it is demoralizing to see Americans protest their actions in Iraq.

Blind Fools!

the-unknown-soldier responds:

The american government effectively killed 2 million iraqi children by voting on sanctions. and then put the oil through the back door. its ok to take their oil, fund there opression, but give them food! never! The biggest killer of iraqi's before the war is not big bad sadam, its the Americans! the ol red white n blue. before we butted in they were doing so much better. and im not saying we shouldn't have butted in, but there are other solutions to wa.

but of course if you had done your research, and read my replies to the fisrt review you would already know that.

I don't give a fuck about the army. If you are stupid enough to join the army then you should face the consequences of your actions. reminds me of the darwin awards really. (http://www.darwinawards.com/)
Are you saying the soldiers are calling the people who think about the issue blind fools? Soldiers are famous for not thinking about an issue, they are hired to kill, and thats all.


Fun; another bloody (pun intended) war related slide show. At least you kept the file size down. However, one of my least favorite reasons people upload flash movies is "I wanted everyone to see/hear this joke/picture/movie/song I didn't make." If you consider something important enough to share with the world, find a message board and write something to the effect of "I think this song summarizes the war quite well, you can download it (a href)here(a)."

I'm still patiently waiting for either side, pro or anti war, to tell me HOW I should go about supporting the troops, ending war, or impeaching Bush. You can wave around your signs and writing your congressperson all you want, but in the end the commoner makes no difference. Such decisions are reserved for the aristocracy, also known as business, religion, and law professionals, who were generous enough to provide the campaign funding for any given legislator.

the-unknown-soldier responds:


Who says i can't do both!???

The 'decision' is made by the media. And if the media believes most people are anti war, then they will realise that they will make more money from their sponsers by portraying an anti war message. And if the media is saying 'impeach bush' then bush will be impeached.

If the funders decide who gets impeeched then nobody would know about any untowards with clinton. But it was a huge fuss wasn't it!

'whats worse? fucking your intern, or fucking your country.'


thx alot now im depressed.....cant u just make it short n amusing like SKREW america.....now isnt that a good idea,always cheers me up :) -----uk rulz----

Powerpoint or Flash?

If I wanted a powerpoint presentation about how we are horrible to the Iraqi people I wouldn't be at a website that has flash movies on it.

I don't know about the song, maybe it was banned for other reasons...

the-unknown-soldier responds:

i see your point, but i wanted to get people to hear the song, and all the rest didn't really matter.