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Reviews for "_-={The Djsou Forest}=-_"

Huh, odd title.

Care to elaborate? :P

So it's another collab with LadyArsenic? Neat. Unfortunately, I'm not hearing too much singing in this one. I hear something at 0:36, but it sounds like it could be a choir as well. Did she simply collab with you the normal way this time? :\

Anyway, whether it's your choir or LadyArsenic singing, the singing becomes... buried, under the rest of the song. I have to strain my ears to hear it, and, considering the part singing usually would play in a song, I don't think I should have to.

Huh, at the end - the song simply cuts off. It sounds like it was supposed to loop, but it feels like it loops too soon. It loops perfectly - great job there - it just loops a little too soon.

There's not much new about this song. Your MAC7 entries were great, and you had put tons of effort into them - but this could have been done before all of those, in my opinion, just as easily. :\ Personally I'd rather see better submissions that come less frequently than average ones coming often. Come on, you know how I am about effort.... ;D

That's enough criticism, it's all I've got, anyway. :P On to the positive sides of the song. I'll start by saying that the atmosphere set up by the river and owl effects is great! :D I'd have liked to hear a little more - maybe the owl once more, or some other sound effect. It's simply the river playing through the entire song and the owl hooting.

Now, what I'd like to know is HOW THAT TURNED INTO CRITICISM ON ME! >:( That was supposed to be praise! XD

I can see you're using the guitar as well, and it's well-used! :) I especially like what I'm hearing starting at 1:32. Quite original and far away from your usual composition style. (Ha, that was praise and STAYED praise. >:) )

I think that's about it. It's a decent song, but more effort could be going into songs like this. Don't get me wrong, I like it. :P But, again, I'm more for the occasional pwning than the frequent "good job." ;) Keep at it, both you AND LadyArsenic. ;D

WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, I FORGOT THE IMAGE!!! :D Here it is! It's another piece of imagery, with a lot of the figuring out left to be done. I had fun writing this one, hope you enjoy it. :D

A dark figure leisurely walks through the forest, unaccompanied. It's nighttime, but the dense trees cover the stars and moon. The forest is nearly blackened, except for a few visible moonbeams shining through openings between the branches.The sound of a river can be heard from far away, and the dark figure walks towards it.

They approach the river, kneel down, and dip their hand into it. It is very cold, and the current is very fast. The figure stands, and sees a light on the other side of the river. Fire. There are voices. There is laughter. The figure sits and watches.

After what could have been any amount of time, the figure stands up. They turn around, and start walking in the opposite direction. East. The figure's shadow follows behind.

Here's the end of the review, for REAL this time. >:) Hope you enjoyed it.

MaestroRage responds:

The title of the song, is the name of the forest in a game LadyArsenic is working on with a friend. It is only right to keep the name.

It is a collab with LadyArsenic, but not in the sense of her singing, but more her musical talents. Other then some subtle choirs there isn't singing.

The export might have cut off the end I suppose, on Fruity Studios it loops perfectly. I know what you mean though, it does seem to cut off here too quickly.

Concerning effort, this song didn't take any effort at all. It was just brilliantly fun for myself. It may seem like the song is not finished, or is rough, but to myself, and hopefully to LadyArsenic, we are happy, and proud of it. It is actually this kind of music that I love making. Simple, powerful, celtic-esque, warm, soothing... It's just great fun for me.

In any case, I always appreciate your honesty, so please, don't stop them.

As for the owl, I didn't have more then 2 types of hoots, and I didn't want to make them over used, so I used them twice each. I should have hunted for more, but simply could not find any decent ones. Many were halloween oriented and it was painfully fake or childish.

And as for the guitar from 1:32 onwards, that completely LadyArsenic's work. In fact ALL the guitar in this song is LadyArsenics work XD. But I know what you mean, I learned a great deal from studying under her in this song. Her guitar style and melodic work is very different, and I loved it.

As for your image, my image was always oriented around sunset, with the warm orange glows, but your image is as effective as that one! I never even considered night time, yet it clicks well. Good stuff Karco!

Thank you for your review, it is always a pleasure to hear from you Karco, i'm glad you enjoyed the piece!

Great, but...

Liked the whole idea with this song.
However, i think that the flute in the beginning gets a bit exaggurated (or however that is spelled) and sounds a bit false.
But i definitely could imagine this in a forest because of the effects you used. The only thing you need to fix is the flute.



im sorry but its just pushed away by dark skies and blood fields.