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Reviews for "Trebonius"


Needs work, but it was fun nonetheless.

Needs a LOT of work. -_-()

My sister's baby could slap together a better game than this!!! Poor desings, no explanation as to what happened to the other passengers and crew, what kind of game is this? How to piss off fellow gamers????


I think it was...alright, but thats really all iI can say.
Your graphics need a little work, and it got EXTREMELY repetative a little boring.
Not to mention, if the self-destuct button was pushed, why did the time reset at every "checkpoint"? Te whole ship would have exploded long before.
For a rainy afternoon, its not too bad to play, but otherwise...well... its not that good.

Concept died on the drawing board...

This game could have been awesome. This woman waking up on a ship that was once full of people and was now empty is cool. Then readin alien lifeforms aboard...also cool. But past the intro, this game really sucks. Too repetative, and for all the crap you go through to get to the end, you get no answers. Next time try to follow up the intro with something better and an ending cooler than "And so she escaped". In general, this game blew


I hate this game... It does NOT belong at NG. I also noticed that all the SFX was from Resident Evil 2 which is ment for spooky envioments and not gay ones.