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Reviews for "LoZ: Hope's End"


WOW! I Liked it! How do you get ppl to help with their voices? But you kept repeating the same music.

Very well done

I loved it. Truly a work of art. Please don't repeat the same song over and over in your next movie.


Superb job, man. You did wonderful and truly gave what some people, like me, have been waiting for. Mainly for Ganon to finally meet his end instead of just being sent to the realms, ey? Anyway, nice work and hope you continue on.

Poor in too many aspects...

Honestly, I can't say this was well made in the least. Well, no, I suppose the drawings had some merit to them, with the exception of some of the proportions (the hands being too small was one of the first things I noticed), and character design changes. Let me try to explain what all was wrong, since, well, it's what I'm used to having spent 4 years through animation classes as opposed to saying "taht sux."

Firstly the continuity is lacking. People brought this up already with the mention that Ganon first tells Link "no one who wields the triforce may die," when trying to dissuade him from starting the fight. Also, the fact that his head was completely severed means no motor functions (how's the command gonna get to his hand to lift, aim a hookshot, and pull the trigger?). Sheik wasn't supposed to be in Zelda form, as when she takes that form, she uses an illusion to change her appearance. Plus, the fact she says "Try to keep up" then stands completely still makes no sense. Might I mention also that you misnamed each piece of the triforce in the intro? I'm sure Power was on top.

The sound, well, that's obvious, bad looping and easily becomes annoying after a short time. Voices too soft, again, this is obvious, so nothing more needs to be said.

The choreography...was bad. I'm sorry to those who thought the fight scene in itself was good and redeemed it, but it didn't. Link lost his sword far too early in the battle, the boomerang looked to be tossed as though dropping it, yet flew as though he threw it, and navi flying towards Ganon made little sense either. The only thing I could grasp in that fight as being logical was when Ganon turned with hand outstretched to cast only to have it lopped off.

All in all I just didn't see the style of each person's attacks as suiting their character. Ganon pulled tricks in the fight? Doesn't seem the type to even try, to me, he's been nothing but straightforward in the game. The entry for Sheik was among the only in character things I could fathom.

Oh, and the stances they took looked horribly phony. Swords have weight, and they both lifted and swung them like they would cardboard weapons. Even those who can life them without being burdened so much by weight still reveal that it has weight in using it. The characters were too stiff too much of the time.

And the faces, aside from smirks, seemed dull and expressionless. Every one of them.

A redeeming quality was the shots were clear, for the most part, and the only action I couldn't understand was Link struggling with Ganon's sword after the hand was severed. The artistic potential exists, but you need to practice your proportions and work on doing some research before animating sword fighting scenes. Find stances, the way arms arc when they're swung, the real disadvantage to two people just pushing their blades against each other, and show it to some people who might know what they're talking about before you call it finished. Also, find more than one song to take up a battle, or a song of suitable length. If you're going to loop something, make it end in a similar place to where it left off so at least it doesn't seem so obvious you're looping. That's my long winded advice, do with it what you will.

kinda good, and kinda bad...o_O

Now, the only problem was,...

-there heads wearnt moving when they were talking
-link looks like he was wearing womens cloths
-music sucked....

dont mean to complain, but i could better,
im going to make sumtin simmilar like this later,

other than that...
it was good....i guess, i can see that u ACTUALLY tried..not bad

just being honest..xD