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Reviews for "WeaponOfBushDestruction"

I didn't really like it.

I know you're not against Bush, don't bother saying that again. Also, I'm not a big an of Anti-Flag, I think they're music sux. But I won't let that take away from your already repetitive boring game.

I like this shit

Well, you've put good music to a flash that would've been good already. Good job my friend. Hella heep it up.


It is about time someone said something about this stupid fucking war that wasn't along the lines of such ambi statements as "Kill Sadam, his people don't matter were saving them fuck em".
I think it’s sad that we make fun of a war that killed 1000 civilians and still rising not to mention wounded 5000 including one kid who lost both of his arms it’s fucked up and I’m not usually offended by Newgrounds I know it’s just humor but for fucks sake wont someone show some compassion here? This so called campaign to liberate Iraq through killing civilians is just plane stupid this war is worthless and totalitarianism at it’s worse. My point been that all the arseholes who insulted the US when 911 happened and said "Blah blah cry me a river" and thus showed no compassion there are equally as bad as people who make fun of such a senseless war.

It's fun to kill stupid right-wing wankers

It's great to see a game that you can kill America's stupid "president"...AND listen to good music too.
To all you whiners who complain about anti-americanism: Patriotism is stupid anyways and it's too bad if you don't hold that opinion...and don't fucking guilt trip me with the "don't bite the hand that feeds" shit. Fuck you! That hand doesn't feed everyone. You can't deny that the US government and the CIA have done alot of stupid and bad things to anger alot of people. If America really cared about getting rid of Saddam Hussein they'd have done that in the last gulf war...or even before that. What they want is oil and therefore money...how typically conservative. If there weren't a war going on there would be alot less people dead in Iraq...and who knows what's going to happen when the war's over...I hope America doesn't fuck up again. I do realize that there could be some good to come out of this war...but I'm not counting on it too much if American officials or a puppet dictator gets to lead Iraq, and if they can even control the destroyed infastructure. Either way...this war will not change how I feel about the American government and Bush.

PS: You stupid fuckers who make all the racist comments completely void your arguments.

I can't believe it!

Greetings sir scumbag.
I loved your game. I gave it a six overall, because that was the average of the scores I gave you. I am ashamed to say I voted on your game with a four instead of a zero.
While the game was fun, it would have been better with a different character. You are a scumbag. You even posted a link to Mike Moore's site and letter in the game? You arse-mouth! You're for Moore? Too bad he's not for anyone, especially not you!
You don't like the war? Neither does anyone else. Bush isn't responsible for the war. Saddam is. Weapons weren't the main reason for the war, removing Saddam was.
Do us all a favor, pick one of these herendous governmnets that you think we shouldn;t have a beef with and go live there. It's a damn sahme we took care of Iraq so quickly, we could have had you go live under Saddam's regime!