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Reviews for "BOTKILLER_"

Hmm, it's a decent little shmup that I want to like since it has an interesting style to it, but I found the gameplay ultimately a bit boring without enough meat on its bones.

Game certainly made a pretty good impression at the start: its got a pretty cool retro graphic style to the whole thing, and I liked seeing the character bios and different ships and so on. Gameplay was interesting as well with the various enemies and bosses you could fight: definitely some effort was put into this! The most memorable boss for me was the giant one who traps you in a laser grid, but there were plenty others that were cool: definitely the star of the show here were the bosses, so I see why you made a boss rush, haha. Also appreciated some of the neat options like being able to display hitboxes: made it clear whether my hitbox was the tiny point style or whole plane style.

But as I played, the game quickly got repetitive. While there were a lot of enemies, they never really differed in significant ways to make interesting combat. In a similar vein, the one ability you get was never interesting enough to cover up the fact that all you do is just hold down the shoot button and that's it. Couldn't tell what the scoring system for the game was and if there was some sort of combo system or accuracy ranking.

Most importantly, the game just lacked any satisfying feedback to combat, especially in the audio department. Even after I changed the music/sound levels to make the music more muted and the sound effects louder, the game still lacked any satisfying explosions or other exciting sounds: there was just the constant drone of your own shots and a few token sounds here and there.

The graphics could also be very confusing: the first level especially was a nightmare where background blends into foreground and its so hard to keep track of everything since it all devolves into this incredibly sharp, neon colored hell. Could definitely stand to have the background more desaturated or something to make the foreground elements pop and more easy to track.

In general, I came away from the game feeling like it was more style over substance: while it looked cool and had some promise to it, especially in the boss department, in the end it really felt like a student project or something akin to that with incredibly basic and undercooked gameplay. Certainly does make me looking forward to seeing more projects from this team though, with this not-too-shabby experience under their belt!

The game itself has good good mechanics, the ship itself could have slower movement but this speed still only adds to the difficulty of the game and requires a lot of agility from the player
As for the graphics, it is made using the standard pixel art method, which also gives it a bit of charm
"And yes, the rating was written with google translate"


The game was pretty colorful and very fun I thaught, love the amount and use of vibrant color this as a space shooter was pretty nice, Alright so nice work here on this one This is kind of like a no fuss type of game, meaning no worries here as you have covered all the areas and pushed this one forward with some good and positive results.


gonna try this game later on a different computer but if you have your system refresh rate > 60 Hz, it will kinda run in hyperspeed!

Funkmachine responds:

It runs on the browsers refresh rate which is usually 60Hz, I never even considered a device with increased rate!

pretty boring