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Reviews for "°>Walking<°in D Minor Harmonic"

Sounds great

Excellent man. For this drum kit, I had an eq setting with cool edit pro, that beefed it up and put a tad of reverb on them...if you ever want, just email me the drum track only, and I can throw my secret settings over it. Although, this sounded damn good. Excellent man. Sounded close to Nothing Else Matters. But different.

Anyways, nice job man. I liked it alot.

Thanks for your vote, Bad-Man-Incorporated! You voted 5 for °>Walking<°in D Minor Harmonic, raising its score from 3.33 to 3.75.

Sonofkirk responds:

Hey thank you very much, Bad-Man!
Yes, I'm a big fan of Metallica wich last album is "disponible!!" today (7/7/7!).I'll send you only the drum track.Itza very good idea! Thank you, pal!
Ps:Thanks for the compliment about Nothing Else Matters !!

Nice !

Yeah !! It rocks guy !On sent bien l'influence de Metallica, le kit de batterie est bien mais je sais pas s'il serait efficace sur une compo de metal :D
De bonnes idées pour le solo, un peu trop en retrait peut-être :D Affirme toi !! (pense à moi au combo funk !) :D Enfin de jolis bends justes!! :p
Continue !

Sonofkirk responds:

Lol! Merci pour la revue.
Et oui, Metallica c'est tout pour moi!
En fait c'est pas trop un solo, mais plûtot une mélodie.Si je fait une suite, le solo serait plus sur une rythmique disto et plus garnit,rapide,...(les solos qu'on aime quoi!).Il est vrai que toi tu t'affirme comme il faut(symptôme du bourrin : taper sur l'arrete de la caisse claire pour que ca sonne plus fort!)
Lol les bends justes ca fait plaisir!(on en a marre des bends a moitié juste et faux!)
Voila merci les gars!
Tchao !

Great Song

I have to agree with Nithalahk in that it definitely has a metallica feel to it. It's definitely awesome guitar playing considering your age as well, I'm sure I definitely couldn't put something like this together, let alone be able to play the leads and whatnot at 14, I was extremely shitty back then haha. It sounds great though man, good job.

Sonofkirk responds:

Hey !!Thanks a lot ! ...Yeah I love Metallica and especially Kirk Hammett feel... Shitty back ??!! ^_^
Thanks tou very much for your review!


Very relaxing song. Loved all the parts in the song! 5/5 10/10!

Sonofkirk responds:

Cool to hear that man ! Thanks for the reviews !

Another good one.

This one was very slow and relaxing. Not something that you exactly think of when listening to heavy metal, but still very good. Sometimes a bit repetitive maybe. Congrats on having it used in a flash submission. It seems like a lot of your work has been used in flash submissions.


Sonofkirk responds:

Yeah, but the submissions aren't always good ... lol. Thanks for the review man.