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Reviews for "Danger Creek"

its fun

edit: is that patrick screaming

yo opino que el pepe un dia vino a mi casa y me invito a jugar y yo le le he dicho que no ya que tengo que hacer tareas pero el vino a mi casa y me lanzo por la ventana de mi casa y yo empeze a flotar ya que yo me active el creativo de minecraft y puse tnt y mi abuela se convirtio en sayayin y vino el tilin y me lanzo el kamekamehaaaaaaaaa y yo le dije deja deja de joder y me puse un mod de minecraft que me convierte en shaggy y mi opinion para el final es que mi nevera se daƱo

Wave 30, baby!

The core concept of the game itself isn't that bad: blasting away enemies that are trying to reach the bottom with a wacky assortment of weapons. It can be some good simple fun and there is a certain amusement at watching your guns get more and more wacky with all sorts of weird shots you get from each wave, but ultimately I found it quite repetitive and lacking in the long run, heck, even the short run. The shooting just didn't feel that satisfying at its core, the enemies never really showed any sort of challenge or intelligence and the variety of enemies were incredibly shallow with them all being basically sponges: once you've encountered wave 5, you've pretty much seen the entire game and it just starts recycling the same assets over and over. I gave up around wave 15 out of boredom: I do see from some other comments that the game does get harder and harder to the point of impossibility which is promising, but I couldn't see myself getting that far based on the initially dull first impression. I definitely think the game could be pretty cool: just needed more time in the oven that a jam can't provide to really balance it out and give enough variety to keep the novelty up.

Reached wave 36, and it's really fun. The progress in our weaponry is obvious (and satisfying), but some upgrades are especially way better than others, like the damage up and the health up (which is by the way a little broken with its display since you can take damage but your health don't goes down until you reach your previous max health?). The random (It appears to me that it is random, but if I were to take a guess I'd say that some upgrades don't appear anymore when you have too many of them, and another point for the choice of upgrade is that some upgrade are pretty much useless if you already got them at least one time) appearance of upgrades add value to the game, but it is also another factor for its difficulty. Things can get messy really fast, when too many things are shot and when there are tons of ennemies (What I mean is, it can be laggy) . The mechanics seem to work well, and the game is balanced, which is great (even if at the end it's incredibly hard, with the number of ennemy ever increasing, and also because their health get higher faster than your damages even if you get the right upgrades). The only other downside I found is that with the plants at the right and the left of your screen, sometimes you can't see every ennemies which can be somewhat annoying (this is what made me lose for my best game, in addition to the lag caused by the number of objects on screen ). Overall, it's a great game, simple yet fun, which I'd definitely recommend.

Frosty responds:

eyy congrats on reaching that far, i didn't have time to properly balance the game so it's neer impossible at that point lol.

ty for the review and critique!