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Reviews for "Vizzy & The Lost Cat"

Really fun game. The music is so up, and matches the fast tone of the game

Camera can be a little too jerky in smaller levels, but this is a great romp that also features a HOG!!!!!

Just finished playing this game. Holy crap you improved a lot slowly but surely. Your creativity is just never-ending. The backgrounds and atmosphere is perfect for an abandoned construction building a Enemy designs are basic but fun to watch (especially hog rider). Although I still suck at platforming games but I had fun finishing it. Maybe if I play it on mobile I can play this game a lot easier. You better go to rest after this gets released because you deserved it after a lot of effort from you and your friends for making this fun lil' game. Keep it up!

Also I love Vizzy so much, she's so adorable on her idle sprite. Trans rights Baby!

That was shorter than I expected... Still good game, though.

Peti responds:


Just-a-ng-dummy responds:

That's what she said

Edit: Thx for playing the game Minifest!! Sorry if this wasn't long enough for your liking. I would love to add more levels to the game, but since it's a jam game, I'll have to wait until voting ends so I can update it again!

Fun little platformer you got here! Loved the manic and fast-paced platforming fun that the game had, the good amount of enemies/obstacles/layouts to the levels, the satisfying juicy effects for things like collecting loot, and the smooth controls. All in all felt well-constructed and fun: fun enough that despite not getting to the finish line on my initial playthrough, I have now already replayed it to get all the way to the top!

While I'm overall feeling good about this game, there were some nitpicks to be had:

*Enemies felt like there were a bit too spongy at times: I would prefer more of them to take less shots as this sponginess coupled with not being able to hold down to auto-fire really dud a number on my old man hands.

*I know it's probably part of the appeal and to add replayability, but it was quite frustrating to not have any way to backtrack: so many times I'd jump up only to realize that now I had missed a yarn ball and had no way to get it without restarting the entire game. Argh! This also extends to the doors: I'd prefer that you have to press up or something to enter as sometimes I would accidently go through by just passing by when I wasn't finished yet exploring.

*While the enemies do explode with loot in a satisfying way on death, I still found it a bit lacking that the enemies themselves did not explode with a graphic or sound or shake or any feedback: I know they overlap so some might say what was the difference, but it just bothered me slightly.

*Found death a bit overly punishing: I got practically all the way through the game, only for me to die once near the end and lose all of the money completely! You'd think it would just take a certain amount or just restart me back to the amount I had when I entered the level.

*While the levels do a good job at mixing things up, especially with the levels that had moving/rotating platforms, it still did feel slightly samey at times, especially due to the same graphics and music being used over and over. Maybe add a bit more variety or cut it shorter so that the time commitment matches more closely with the level of content. It's not that bad though: there are practically in sync already.

*Unsure if there is a bonus ending or anything for collecting all the yarn balls and a high score of cash? Kinda of felt pointless since it felt like it didn't make a difference at the end.

Nice work!