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Reviews for "KAT GAME"

damn this game is epic af btw I love the camera effect it has bc adds a level of skill

Trippy ass game

i like it

It doesn't have much to it in terms of long-lasting appeal, but it's pretty decent, in a kind of 'my first score attack' kind of game!

Kind of got a mixed impression for most of it, both good and bad. The gameplay, for example, does make a solid first impression with its dynamic 3d tilted camera, and its got a good assortment of obstacles, what with the saw blades and the bouncing balls. With the way the obstacles keep increasing and there's so much to keep track of, it makes for some manic dodging fun!

However, I also found that the tilted camera not only forces you to stay in the back corner so you can see the whole board, but it made the task of determining where obstacles were very wonky and vague, especially since the bouncing balls don't leave a shadow on the ground, leading to a lot of 'that hit me?' deaths. Also the obstacles would act very strangely at times: saw blades wouldn't bounce off of each other, but balls could bounce off of saws and even get wonky to the point of changing from bouncing balls to balls that just roll on the ground.

Graphics were also a mixed bag where I liked the goofy title screen and cat sprite, but other parts of the game such as the HUD/fonts were very bland and basic. I think the game does have a decent concept and core to it: would just love to see this polished up and improved upon for an even better version with more levels, more obstacles, etc (would also be cool to see a bit more story or narrative progression: I wanna know what the big red guy has against this cat!)

aight bet