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Reviews for "Salute to Gir & Zim"


invader zim is cool. nice tribute. spiffy artwork with a nice friendly feel to it.

... you lifted these images

FIrst, let me get this out, I love Jhonen Vasquez, I own all the Squee and JTHM comics, Squee's Book of Unspeakible Horrors, JTHM Directors Cut, I've downloaded all the Invader Zim episodes, blah, blah, blah. Now, you lifted all these images from screenshots, except maybe the last one of Zim, the head looked a little off. But I mean, seriously, next time you are going to make a tribute, use your own work too. O yea, but thanks for making one, there ain't many.

zimdawg78 responds:

redrawing a screen shot is not "lifting" an image, it was part of the project AND, by vertue of it being redrawn, I fail to see why you'd call it "lifting". But thanks for your opinion.


Dude. Do not forget Squee. Never forget Squee.


my name is gir,heres my cupcake,its always here when im awake,i like to sing the doomy,its better than wearing a thong.

uh no

"They are the work of one Jhonen Vasquez, a talented and up and comming artist. He is the father of the Invader Zim cartoon as well as Johnny the Homicidal Maniac comics. So all character and music credit goes to him and his company Slave Labor Studios, all I did is take his work, redrew it in Illustrator and animated it in Flash. :)"" yes exactly you dint DO ANYING!!! it was stupid SEE ALSO slave labour isnt his company SEE also ZIM AND GIR and al lchacters apearing in zim are tradmaked and owned by nicalodian NOT Jhonen case nic fucks cartoon creates in the ass when they buy shoes... where as slave labour publihss comics but the cahcters are sill proitery of the creator stilll........ REALLY WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO? nothing? you copied some art of somone more taletnd then you and claim a trubeute itsn to a stoie its not anying its jsut pointless yes gir is great sos zim and johnny and squee and waht not but fuck you for doing nothing you annoy me to a great degree i mean if you wanted to draw his stlye an chactes on your own to help you develop your atistc cartoonish style thign orwhtever if you want to be createve thats cool but jsut stight up trasing orwhtever its jsut annoing ieven if you drew it freehadn its still stupid and pointeless please die.... a thank you...

zimdawg78 responds:

First off I'd like to say, thanks for the long review. Its nice to know that you cared enough to put down a literary effort like that. Second, I witnessed the work you submitted to NG and now know that your opinion has meaning based on the shear quality and creativity that you put into your work. Lastly, as a person, you make me look good, and for that I like you even more. Thanks again for pointing out your experience level and literary qualities with me and the viewers of NG, you are appreciated.