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Reviews for "-=LJC=- Tribute"

hush, it's lush

yes old man,

nice to hear you took my advice and made a real life tune. just listened through, you noes i love it. some beautiful moments of keycangedom that tickled my fancy. drums aren't too shabby either.


oh btw, sounded a tad murkey, not enough high end :P

LJCoffee responds:

I will gladly accept your respec and give you a bigup in return.

I was really hoping that I would get a chance to tickle something with my keycangedom and your fancy will do nicely.

Glad you liked it - you were one of the people that I took a little inspiration from - I just listened to all of your stuff and promised myself I would never make such shite.
heh heh.. :P


tribute to what?

The one thing I don't understand with IDM, glitch and similar genres is how you manage to push in so many random sounds into such few seconds of music...

The start is pretty awesome, could've turned into something really awesome experimental sound art if you went even more experimental with it. This is some crazy shite already though :D

The bass seems to be the only thing that keeps the song melodic- except for the piano-ish thing, but it's only there half of the time. Which is awesome :P

def and totle download

LJCoffee responds:

Thanks SBB,

"tribute to what?"
I dunno - I guess it seemed right at the time - still does I s'poze - I drew influence from a few of my fav. artists here on NG - and to be honest I'm not sure if you can hear any difference or not but I was thinking it at the time so I guess that vaildates it :)

"The one thing I don't understand with IDM, glitch and similar genres is how you manage to push in so many random sounds into such few seconds of music..."

It might sound that way I guess, but a lot of my stuff is much simpler than you might think. Often, I use polyrythms to make it seem like there's more going on than there actually is.

- An experiment you can try at home :)
create a few loops - use midi or dump wav's or whatever...

loop 1 - sparse rythm 4/4 time 2 bars
bass, snare and maybe a crash

loop 2 - heavily syncopated 5/4 3 bars
hats and a tom or two

loop 3 - 3/4 rythm with swing 5 bars
more hats and another bass - maybe abother snare for good measure

Now add them all in on top of each other for 16 bars or so and play it back... Neat huh? I'll bet it sounds VERY intricate but there really isn't anything incredibly difficult going on.

Now go back and change some of the timbres of your drums to whatever you want - screeches, yelps, scratches and twists...

Add a pint of vodka, shake gently and dump out your new wav. Now dump out another two or three variations, start chopping clips up - rearranging things where you think it might sound cool,
rinse and repeat as necessary.

Oh yeah the most important thing
- ignore everything I've said -
most of the time I don't know what the hell I'm talking about anyways :D


Very intricate, melodic piece of IDM. If you dont mind. :p Could you list the artists you got the inspiration from?

LJCoffee responds:

KB, you, Ped - all the NG guys that you know and love. I found inpiration here and there :D

I should have clarified it in the description but I was talking about NG artists.

Thanks for the review! And Isee you were also good enough to vote on it too! Funny how sometimes you'll get a few reviews and the score is still sitting at zero. heh heh...


Guh, I love your rhythems in your tracks. As a drummer, I have to say, they really turn me on...uhh, platonicly o.0

Really though, it's obvious you put alot of work into the rhythem sections. If you work equaly hard on the melodies, you could have som seriously crazy tracks going...of course, less people might find the tracks attractive...when you over complicate something, people tend to lose interest in a track, because there is no familiarity. Eh, patooey to those poor people. Guh, I want these rhythems so bad. I think when I finish up my next DnB song, i'll work on a track like this...easy to listen to melody, and crazy rhythem...arrr...

Again, nice track. You're one of my favorite people around. Crazy sounds.

LJCoffee responds:

Thanks Quarl, :D

A lot of the stuff I post here is hit or miss - I'm glad that you thought this one was decent though. I appreciate the review!