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Reviews for "Dante vs Link (Part 2)"

A good movie, but...

Dante so woulda kicked his ass. I mean....ultimate badass vs. fairy toting panzy elf? Give me a break. That arrow woulda been toothpicks as soon as it met Dante's chest. And that's giving it the undeserved credit to say it'd get that far. Besides....if it wasn't for that little ball of light Nintendo calls a fairy, he'd have been dead in the first go round. But like I said, it was a pretty good movie. Well constructed. Graphics were a bit sloppy, though.


I'll handle this section by section, since I feel that your're really strong in some aspects and kind of lacking in others.

Graphics - 6: Your lines were kinda out of whack. Not to say I could do better myself (that's why I just play guitar), but there could be a little less definition to the characters. Round out the edges that need to be curved, straighten the ones that need to be straightened. Other than that, I did like the way you approached the animation (complete with seizure-worthy random flashes).

Sound - 9: Sometimes it's hard to get something that adds to the atmosphere of a battle and doesn't distract. Your selection of music did that (though it could be a little louder at points). Good job.

Interactivity - 0: N/A. This wasn't meant to be played, it was meant to be watched, so it wasn't rated here.

Style - 8: Fresh twist on an old concept. I personally never thought to see our formerly 8 bit hero going up against the dude from DMC.

Violence - 6: Big swords, bombs, arrows, etc. No blood that I had noticed, could use some just for a little flavor. Then again there's a fine line between senseless gore and tasteful gore.

Humor - 0: N/A. Though it was kinda funny when Link got all panicked and started chucking bombs like mad. I felt there wasn't supposed to be substantial humor content so didn't rate it.

Overall - 8: This movie still did it for me, and was worth the time it took to wait for it to download on a dialup. Good job, let's see part 3 soon.


I love Link so the concept is good

It just takes time to get better at something but over all i enjoyed this. Keep trying and heep up the good work

Nice fight!

At first i saw the graphics and thought nothing great here then i got into the movie and loved it. The animation is nice and i liked the way you used links moves in different suituations.

This has got me wanting SCII more!

Nice, but WTF!

Ok it was nice, but I have to agree with Octavius! LINK WON. WHAT KING OF BULLSHIT IS THAT. Look this is Dante we are talking about, son of the legendary dark night Sparda. He lost to Mr. I'm a 'lil pansy green elf guy. Next movie, DANTE WILL HAVE REVENGE! Make Trish revive him or something!