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Reviews for "Sunnyside vs. the Eggies"

Really liked the game. Enemy variety is good: chef encourages you to fight close, robot makes you keep distance, the flying one shoots in all directions, very cool. But I felt the other enemies (slimes, fighters, eggs) were kinda misused, like you could just hold down X to clear all.

I don't blame it on their behavior, i think the level layouts and enemy placement don't get the most out of their quirks. Like how the slime could be positioned at deeper heights to use its vertical moves, or the eggs be put at a higher platform or behind several walls to use its jump.

Very cool doom-esque vibe, with tons of shooting and nice music; felt like game didnt need the reloading part, an ammo poll mechanic would be great. Liked how the updgrade eggs makes you think optimization vs survival chances, really miss more decision-making moments like this in the game.

One thing I loved is the aim-down-n-shoot hover, its a (in a positive way) hidden mechanic. I really thinks the game needs more of this; add more "depth" (or sauce) into the game. e.g. make more thought-out levels, put enemies in a smarter way, make movement more precise.

tl;dr: lacks a bit of sauce but nice game. monke out of 10.

Stepford responds:

Thanks for taking the time to write this review! And yeah, I definitely agree with some of your points. We didn't have a lot of time to make the game (it was for a jam) so those are some issues I would've liked to of worked on before release.

Thank you!

Other name: Sipps from DND: Fool's Gold shoots eggs with assault rifle

Really a nice game BUT
I reach floor 44 and so I was supposed to get the world highscore but I do not.
After more than 1 hour of playing it's a bit frustrating :(
Also I post a print screen of the game at floor 44 on my profile to prove what I say.

SlickRamen responds:

Sorry about that :( newgrounds api is kinda buggy sometimes so it won't always post your score

Ok let's just say i died on floor 34 with 353 powerups and oh boy i am in madlad mode lmaooooooooo also good work for this game. P.S it takes 2429.37 secs Before game is over.

An all-star cast of devs makes an all-star kind of game, i guess.