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Reviews for "_-={Defiance}=-_"

wow. incredible.

This song was so flawless, I am speechless!

Actually, i'm not! Hear me out, this was one hell of an intro song. I cannot eve begin to imagine what the climax of the game's music will like!

I'm afraid I didn't get the feeling of defiance from this piece, despite the powerful brass and title. It seemed bold, yes, but also ambient. Like, a marching army, not yet near battle, but both eager and fearful to find out what is yet to come.

This song was quite good, to say the least. The dynamics were perfectley chosen and placed. I must learn how to get some decent brass that doesnt come in an 800 dollar sound pack like the ones you use, lol. Don't get me wrong, i'm sure they are very handy and worth the price, but I honestly don't have that kind of cash! So here I end my review, keep spitting out one quality song a week, you're simply too awesome for words.


MaestroRage responds:

A climax!!!

I KNEW we were missing something >_<!!!

Then again the project was already at 10 megs which is Newgrounds absolute limit, so we had no room for another song, unless we severely degraded the quality of what we had, which I personally did not really want to do. All the songs for the game were reduced as much as possible without jeopordizing sound quality.

As for some good brass, I don't know if you know this site.


but that site has a LOT of soundfonts. Some are brilliant, but a lot of them are pure crap to be honest. If you have the energy, then search away!

I appreciate the compliments, I am glad you enjoy the works :D. I will try to keep them coming, I hope you will be around to listen to some of them ^^.

Thank you for the review, once again i'm glad you liked the piece!

Ten for Ten

Hello again maestro. Well, this piece is about as perfect as you can get it I think. First off the sound clarity was excellent in this piece. I don't know whether you used a new program or what, but its good. Another thing, is that this piece had absolutely nothing out of place. Everything was in key and working together. The chior and the lone chime that begins at 0:53 completes the Intro quite nicely. Now, enough technical stuff.

This piece definately seems like an intro into an epic game or perhaps a character's primary theme. Excellent work on this one maestro. I would even go so far as to say that the piece would work well in a Final Fantasy game for a character's theme, perhaps a noble knight or a lone wizard? Well which ever, good work and keep it up.

MaestroRage responds:

Thank you Denver! The new sound feel is due to some work spent on equalizing better. I've been really going into shoving in as much as possible without damaging anything, and though it's been a tiring road, it has also been a rewarding one!

This piece was also me trying to use the whole orchestra better, using different brass and the flutes of which I neglected so much.

I am glad you thought it was Final Fantasy worthy, though I doubt they would agree XD.

In any case, you have the imagery right. The piece is indeed for a noble knight, who has forsaken the gods. Though noble and pure of heart, his deep rooted hatred towards them is as unwavering as his blade.

Thank you for the review denver, I am glad you liked this piece ^^.


Interesing in the least Maestro. I'm afraid however there is just not enough coming from this piece to make a full story. But a clear image is formed on the other hand, so here it is. A young man stands before the coffins in a fueneral of his parents. He is young and in his mind he lacked the power to save them. For he had started to walk down the crooked wide path of evil in life. His parents tried in vain to save him but his stubborness and arrogance was so wide and broad that they could not get through to him. As a result as they cross a road, their minds preoccupied with their sons condition, they are both struck by a truck and die. The son, greived by this, drops to his knees and weeps. However, he stands up and he says, "I swear on your graves, and before God, that will for the rest of my life walk...the path less travelled...the path you both took. I failed once before to pick myself up and it took your lives in the process. I failed before...NEVER AGAIN!!" And with those solemn, strong, cryptic words the boy walks the strightist and narrowest of paths that very few take...and few continue to do so. Hey, it looks like I was able to get a story out of this! That's a surprise. By the way, it's been a while since I asked but how is that conclusion song coming along? I hope it's doing well. Keep up the good work...

MaestroRage responds:

Hey Zen.

You're right about that conclusion piece. It has been a long while hasn't it? It seems every day somebody needs a piece urgently, and work just gets larger and more daunting. I've worked less at school then I am now --_--"

But thats not a problem, it's slowly coming to fruitation. I hope I can get it done before the vacation this summer. I won't have a computer or anything else for about a month, so it's going to be really hard for me not to go insane.

As for the story, it is a shame that only the heaviest blows can reduce somebody to rubble, to rebuild again. Words mean so little, and yet could mean so much.

I suppose it is all entirely up to the speaker, and the listener, to how effective words can be.

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked this piece!

tiz back

and course u get 10 stars from me

MaestroRage responds:

Hey again geacu!

Thank you for the review and the stars, i'm glad you liked it!

something else i'd share

here's another story i wrote while listening to this song. your music is very inspiring!

defiantly he roared away
as if to dull his pain
too long he'd sat, quiet and still
atop the poignant hill
awaiting his beloved maria
exactly a year, season through season
driven by love, forgetting all rationality and reason
but as the last snow flake fell upon the ground
his heart stopped cold, unable to continue on without his dearest maria
whom was never to be found